- Sánchez, Curridabat, San José, Costa RicaCentro de Salud Mental y Bienestar, Atención AsertivaEdificio Momentum Pinares. Piso 3. Consultorio 26Sun Dec 15Mon Dec 16Tue Dec 17
90 patient reviews
I have always had a special love for listening and helping, hence my satisfaction in serving from Psychiatry.
During my professional training as a Psychiatrist, my affinity for Psychogeriatrics (Older Adult Psychiatry) was latent; Therefore, upon finishing my specialty in Psychiatry, I subspecialized as a Psychogeriatrician at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
In my consultation I try to provide a comprehensive mental approach and active support to both the Elderly Person who needs it and their Family Members.
My professional practice fills me with satisfaction and I try to do it with the greatest dedication and love possible.