
My appointments

Ronald de la Cruz

Ronald de la Cruz


My license

  • 1389093 · Costa Rican Dental Association
  • - · American Board of Orthodontics
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Ceramic braces
Fabrication of retainer
Metal braces
Orthodontic records (diagnostic cast, x-rays, photographs)
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3 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

Excelente atención, el trato del personal es muy humano

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Fui a la Clinica de la Cruz para ponerme frenillos en los dientes y estoy muy contenta con los resultados hasta el momento. Voy a la clínica cada dos meses para ajustar los frenillos. La clínica siempre está limpia pero no hay privacidad durante el tratamiento, ya que uno se sienta al lado de los otros pacientes durante el mismo. Esto no es de mi preferencia pero he escuchado que es una práctica normal en las clínicas de ortodoncia y ya me he acostumbrado en los 6 meses que llevo visitando al Dr. Ronald de la Cruz. El Dr. Ronald de la Cruz es excelente y muy profesional. Sin duda alguna, lo recomiendo altamente.

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I had a good experience with the doctor, and the staff at the office was very friendly. I had very few problems. For those of you who need an English-speaking doctor, Dr. De la Cruz speaks both English and Spanish. One thing to note is that Dr. De la Cruz shares the office with his brother, so if you need to see specifically, you need to plan according to his schedule. I had to meet with his brother one time because my schedule didn't fit with Ronald's, which resulted in me being given slightly different instructions than what Ronald originally gave me about retainer wearing times (Ronald had said just at night, and his brother said all day). Not a big deal, just something to be aware of. I did have to wait for a bit after being called in to my appointment, which felt strange because I would assume that being called in for my appointment means the doctor is ready. However, overall I had a good experience.The one thing I would say is that the price of the retainer is included on the website (at least it was when I booked the appointment in February), but not the consultation ($40). It would have been good to have this included up front before the appointment.

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About me

A beautiful smile contributes to improving a person's appearance, their self-esteem and their well-being for the rest of their lives. What I like most about being an orthodontist is having the privilege of being able to create smiles every day, change people's lives and see the happiness of my patients when they look at their new smile.
We enthusiastically create beautiful smiles every day, working with children, adolescents, and adults to design a personalized treatment plan unique to their orthodontic needs. Our team at Ortodoncia de la Cruz helps patients choose between treatment options such as Invisalign, transparent removable aligners, of which we are pioneers in Costa Rica, self-ligating metal or sapphire brackets, and lingual brackets, behind the anterior teeth.

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My studies

Specialty in Orthodontics. Oregon Health Sciences University - School of Dentistry, Portland. June 1991 - July 1993
Doctor in Dental Surgery. Baylor College of Dentistry - Dallas. September 1986 - June 1990
Bachelor in Biology with emphasis on Biotechnology and Genetics. Emory University - Atlanta, Georgia. September 1982 - May 1986

I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Bite correction
Crooked teeth
Jaw pain
Teeth grinding/clenching (bruxism)
Tooth wear
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I worked on:

Professor, University of Costa Rica, School of Dentistry since 1994

I am affiliated with:

Costa Rican Academy of Orthodontics
American Association of Orthodontists
World Federation of Orthodontists
American Board of Orthodontists

I speak these languages:


My publications

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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Ronald de la Cruz

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