Ophthalmology Residency Program Professor - Universidad de Costa Rica, Childrens' Hospital. Since 2006
Leadership Development Course Costa Rican Representative, Pan American Association of Ophthalmology 2006-2007.
Costa Rican Representative at Board of Directors of the Pan American Association of Ophthalmology, 2007-2009.
International Fellowship by the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO) and the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Ophthalmological Societies (IFOS), 2005-2006.
Undergraduate Professor of Ophthalmology. Universidad de Iberoamerica, 2009-2012
Professor of Ophthalmology. Universidad de Costa Rica, Hospital Calderon Guardia, 2011-present
Professor of Pediatric Ophthalmology Fellowship program. Universidad de Costa Rica, Hospital Nacional de Niños. 2012 - present.
Ophthalmology Specialist, Assistant Physician. National Children's Hospital 2006 - Present
Ophthalmology Specialist, Assistant Physician. Hospital Mexico 2006-2008
Physician Assistant Specialist Ophthalmology - Hospital Calderón Guardia, 2008-2017
Médico Oftalmóloga- Hospital La Católica,
Alfaro et al. Muertes relacionadas con cocaína en Costa Rica durante 1996. Medicina Legal de Costa Rica. Vol 16; Nrs 1,2; May-Sep, 1999.
Wu, Lihteh; Benavides, Raquel. Branch Retinal Vein Occlusions. In : Laser Surgery of the Eye : The Art of Laser in Ophthalmology. Highlights of Ophthalmology, 2004.
Shields CL, Benavides R, Materin M, Shields JA. Optical coherence tomography of retinal astrocytic hamartoma in 15 cases. In: Ophthalmology, Vol 113, Issue 9, p 1553-1557.
Shields CL, Perez B, Benavides R, Materin MA, Shields JA. Optical coherence tomography of optic disk melanocytoma in 15 cases. In: Retina 2008, 28 (3), p 441-6.
Shields JA, Shields CL, Mashayekhi A, Marr BP, Benaviides R, Thangappan A, Phan L, Eagle RC Jr. Primary acquired melanosis of the conjunctiva: risks for progression to melanoma in 311 eyes. The 2006 Lorenz E. Zimmerman lecture. In: Ophthalmology 2008, Vol 115, Issue 3, p 511-519.
Benavides, Raquel; Materin, Miguel; Shields, Carol. Nevus Coroideo. In: Uveítis y Tumores Intraoculares. Temas Selectos. AMOLCA, 2008.
Benavides, Raquel; Materin, Miguel; Shields, Carol. Enfermedad de von-Hippel-Lindau. In: Uveítis y Tumores Intraoculares. Temas Selectos. AMOLCA, 2008.
Benavides, R; Wu, L; Martínez, J; Hernández, S; Vargas, M. Retinoblastoma: the Costa Rican Experience. Annual Meeting Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, April 2004.
Benavides, R; Wu, L; Martínez, J; Hernández, S; Vargas, M. Retinoblastoma: the Costa Rican Experience 1997-2003. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and the European Society of Ophthalmoplogy (SOE), New Orleáns, Louisiana, October 2004.
Benavides R, Mashayekhi A, Materin M, Shields CL. Optical coherence tomography of retinal astrocytic hamartoma. International Congress of Ocular Oncology and the International Society of Retinoblatoma and Genetic Eye Disease (ISGEDR), Whistler, Vancouver, Canada, Sep 2005.
Sagoo M, Furuta M, Benavides R, Shields CL, Mashayekhi A, Shields JA. Custom designed plaque radiotherapy for juxtapapillary choroidal melanoma in 520 consecutive cases. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). Las Vegas, Nevada, Nov 2006.
Benavides R, Shields CL. Pseudoretinoblastoma tras cirugía de estrabismo. XVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Estrabismo. Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2008.
Benavides R, Vargas M. Movimientos oculares disociados en el síndrome de Carpenter. XVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Estrabismo. Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2008.
Benavides R, Argüello L, Porras A. Hemophagocytic lymphohistyocytosis syndrome. Pathological immune activation may affect the eye too. XVII Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Internacional de Oncología Ocular. Paris, Francia. Junio 2015.
Benavides R. Outcome of children with bilateral retinoblastoma in Costa Rica according to globe preservation. XVIII Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Internacional de Oncología Ocular. Sydney, Australia. Marzo 2017.
Benavides, R. Melanocitosis ocular y su relación con patología neoplásica uveal. Congreso Centroamericano de Retina y Vítreo. San Salvador, El Salvador. Agosto 2019.
Benavides, R. Tratamiento actual y futuro del retinoblastoma en Costa Rica. LVII Semana Pediátrica. San José, Costa Rica. Setiembre 2019.
Benavides R. Impacto de la quimioterapia intravítrea en la preservación del globo ocular en retinoblastoma en Costa Rica. XXXV Congreso Panamericano de Oftalmología. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Marzo 2023
Benavides R, Blanco A, Mejías R, Rovira R. Radiocirugía Robótica como tratamiento para melanoma uveal. XXXV Congreso Panamericano de Oftalmología. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Marzo 2023.