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203 patient reviews
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Medical Specialist in Urology. Universidad de Costa Rica. 2010 - 2014Doctorate in Medicine and Surgery. Universidad de Costa Rica. 2009 - 2009Bachelor and Licenciate Degree in Medical Sciences. Universidad de Costa Rica. 2006 - 2009Bachelor in Medical Science. Universidad de Costa Rica. 2002 - 2006
My courses
III Congreso AUCA- San José, Costa Rica September 2022 - September 2022 Congress: AUA Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA May 2022 - May 2022 AUCA-LIVE UPDATE ON URINARY STONE MANAGEMENT SYMPOSIUM, WORKSHOP AND LIVE SURGERY. AUCA, MARZO 2022. PANAMA March 2022 - April 2022 Curso Virtual de Radiologia Urologica ANRI 2021 September 2021 - September 2021 Basic Life Support (CPR and AED) Program August 2021 - August 2021
MADE Beyond erectile dysfunction- San Carlos, Alajuela. Costa Rica August 2019 - August 2019 Update in Urology, TULANE University-ACCU, San Jose, Costa Rica August 2019 - August 2019 Green Light Summit I - Academia NTC, Boston Scientific. Colegio de Médicos y Cirujanos de Costa Rica October 2018 - October 2018 Curso: Curso Teorico Practico Sobre Ureteroscopia Flexible y Nefrolitotomia Percutanea Respaldado por La Sociedad Endourologica Americana- San Jose, CR March 2018 Curso: Safe and effective use of 3D technology and Thunderbeat in Urology-Bogota, Col January 2018 Curso: International Observation and Laparoscopy Mini-Fellowship- Tulane University School of Medicine and Tulane University Medical Center, New Orleans, LA November 2015 - November 2015 Congress: XVIII Academic Forum for Residents: Minimally invasive surgery - Colombian Society of Urology. Bogota Colombia March 2014 Congress: Highlights of AUA - San José, Costa Rica August 2013 Course: Hands On Single port urologic surgery - San José, Costa Rica. August 2013 Congress: XVII Academic Forum for Residents: Incontinence and pelvic floor - Colombian Society of Urology. Bogota Colombia March 2013 Congress: International Urology Symposium - Guanacaste, Costa Rica February 2013 Course: Beginning laparoscopy - CEICIMI Laboratory, University of Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica October 2012 Course: Practical theoretical course in Laparoscopic Urology - CIELTA, San José, Costa Rica September 2011 Central American and Caribbean Congress of Urology - AMUC, San José, Costa Rica August 2010
Hospital RotationInternational Observation and Laparoscopy Mini-Fellowship - Tulane University School of Medicine and Tulane University Medical Center, New Orleans, LAHospital RotationSafe and effective use of 3D technology and Thunderbeat in Urology - Bogota, ColombiaInternshipAdvanced Urological Surgery Course - IRCAD, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2019Hospital Rotation3rd human cadaveric laparoscopic 3D urology postgraduate course, Lisboa, Portugal. Febrero-Mayo 2020
2010 - 2013: Resident Physician of Urology - University of Costa Rica - CCSS. Hospital Mexico, Hospital, Dr.R.A. Calderón Guardia, National Children's Hospital, San Juan de Dios Hospital
2009 -2010: General Physician - Clinic of San Pablo, Heredia. EBAIS San Pablo Centro, EBAIS Rincón de Ricardo and EBAIS Miraflores
2019 to date: Medical Assistant Specialist in Urology - Hospital San Rafael de Alajuela
2014-2019 Medico Asistente Especialista en Urologia - Hospital Rafael Angel Calderon Guardia, San Jose.