
My appointments

Milena Sánchez Villalobos

Milena Sánchez Villalobos

Speech Therapy

My license

  • TLCR-0614 · College of Therapists of Costa Rica
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Assessment of Language, Speech and Voice
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Intervention
Cognitive stimulation
Communication Disorders Intervention
Dysphagia assessment and intervention
Evaluation of Speech, Language, Voice and Communication Disorders.
Facial Paralysis Intervention
House visit
Intervención Trastornos de los Sonidos del Habla de tipo Fonológico
Intervention Delayed Language Development Intervention
Intervention for fluency disorders (Stuttering)
Intervention Speech Sound Disorders of the Phonetic Type
Language stimulation
Late Speaker Intervention (children 1-3 years old)
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About me

Language, Speech, Voice and Swallowing Therapist, specialist in the combined use of equipment and transcranial photobiomodulation.
Intervention with the combined use of equipment in language therapy helps to provide a more effective and efficient rehabilitation, with better results in users, the intervention plans are personalized and appropriate to the needs of each patient.
With more than 10 years of experience in evaluation, diagnosis, rehabilitation and treatment in speech, language, voice, facial paralysis, swallowing problems, aphasia, in children, adults and the elderly.

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My studies

Bachillerato y licenciatura en terapia del lenguaje. Universidad Santa Paula. 2008 - 2014

I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Alterations in Stomatognathic System
Aphasia (speechlessness)
Childhood apraxia of speech
Degenerative diseases
Difficulties in reading and writing
Down Syndrome
Facial paralysis
Language disorders
Speech disorders
Speech Sound Disorders
Suction, chewing and swallowing problems
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I speak these languages:

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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Milena Sánchez Villalobos

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