
My appointments

Miguel Alfaro Cantón

Miguel Alfaro Cantón


My license

  • 1403094 · Costa Rican Dental Association
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
All on four
Ceramic inlay
Crown (permanent tooth)
Crown in feldspathic porcelain
Delivery of Dental Prostheses
Dental implant crown
Dental implant, per tooth
Diastema closure with resins
E Max dentral crown
Ferula of Relaxation
Immediate dental implants hybrid prosthesis
Implant supported bridge retainer crown, porcelain fused to titanium, titanium alloy, or metal
Implant supported bridge retainer crown, porcelain/ceramic
Initial Physical Therapy Evaluation
Inlay, porcelain/ceramic, 1 surface
Porcelain crown, per tooth
Porcelain veener, per tooth
Printing of crowns and bridges
Resin-based filling
Zirconium Crown
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123 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

I decided to study medicine because, from an early age, I discovered I had good manual skills and a penchant for the sciences. In Dentistry, and more specifically in Prosthodontics, I found a way how to combine art and science. What I enjoy most about my job is being able to return to my patients the confidence to smile and enjoy life without complexes or limitations on what they can eat

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My studies

Specialty in Prosthodontics. Ohio State University - The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. July 1999
Master of Science. Ohio State University - The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. July 1999
DMD. Universidad de Costa Rica - Facultad de Odontología. December 1992

I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Dental fracture
Dental stains
Teeth grinding/clenching (bruxism)

I speak these languages:


My publications

Alfaro M, Gozalo D. Estudio exploratorio sobre el ajuste y la microfiltración de las incrustaciones de porcelana y resina por el método indirecto, Odontología actual, 7(2):31, 1994
Alfaro M. Expanding the Applications of the Layering Technique [table clinic abstract]. Journal of Prosthodontics 7(3):223, 1998
M.A. Alfaro, E. Papazoglou, M. Beck, E.A. McGlumphy, J.A. Holloway. Cement Retention for Retrievable Implant-Supported Prostheses. Journal of Dental Research. [abstract #3089 Vol. 79, Special Issue, 2000
Alfaro MA. Morfología Peri-Implantar Inducida Protésicamente. Revista de la Asociación Implantológica Argentina. Vol. VII N I:18-20, 2001
Claman L, Alfaro MA, Mercado A. An interdisciplinary approach for improved esthetic results in the anterior maxilla.. J Prosthet Dent 2003;89:1-5
Alfaro, MA., Papazoglou, E. McGlumpy, EA, Holloway, JA. “Short-Term Retention Properties of Cements for Retrievable Implant-Supported Prostheses”. Eur. J. Prosthdont. Rest. Dent., Vol. 12, No. 1, Pag. 165-169, 2004
Navarro I, Gozalo D, Fernández D, Alfaro M. Carga Inmediata, Rehabilitación Definitiva en tres días con cinco Implantes y Puente Fijo Híbrido, en paciente Edéntulo Total Inferior. Presentación de caso clínico.Dentista Empresario; Vol 8. 6-2005 (Nov-Dic 2005) ISSN 1409-3634.
Alfaro M, Aplicaciones de la estratificación del color por capas.Un método práctico para fabricar ceras de color del diente y la caracterización interna de las restauraciones provisionales.Odontología Vital, Año 3, Vol 2, N 5, Setiembre, 2005
Alfaro M. Implantología estética contemporánea.Odontología Vital, Año 5 Vol 9, N 5, Setiembre, 2008
Alfaro M. Prótesis híbrida inferior con carga inmediata en 3 días. Técnica del OSU frame modificada.Odontología Vital, Año 9, Vol 2, N 15, Setiembre, 2011
Alfaro M. Arce C. Materiales Actuales y Tecnología CAD-CAM en Restauraciones CerámicasOdontología Vital , año 10, Vol 1, N 16
Conferencista nacional e internacional
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Miguel Alfaro Cantón

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