
My appointments

Mario Elías Herrera Cedeño

Mario Elías Herrera Cedeño

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  • Cideq, S.A.
    Vista Hermosa, Panamá, Panamá
    Plaza San Fernando, Vía España, Ciudad de Panamá Building 1. Floor 1. Office 1.

    Allianz · ASSA · BlueCross BlueShield · Cigna · Pan-American Life - PALIG · Sura · Ancon Vivir · Worldwide Medical

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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
Prostate surgery
Ureteral calculus surgical treatment
General Inquiry
Bladder biopsy
Chronic prostatitis
Coraliform calculus surgical treatment
Double J stent placement
Endoscopic cystography
Epididymal cysts resection surgery
Female urinary incontinence laparoscopic treatment
Hydrocele with hernia surgery
Kidney cyst surgery
Kidney surgery
Laparoscopic nephrectomy
Laser kidney stone treatment
bladder biopsy
Nocturia evaluation
Online Medicine
Papilloma electrocoagulation (EC)
Penis Frenulectomy
Penis prosthesis placement
Prostate biopsy
Prostate cancer surgery
Prostate laser surgery
Prostate ultrasound
Reverse vasectomy
Spermatic cord torsion surgery
Testicle ultrasound
Total prostatectomy
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
Ultrasound renal-urinary tract
Umbilical hernia surgery
Ureteral calcium stone endoscopic removal
Ureteral catheter removal
Ureteral stenosis surgery
Urethral dilatation
Urethral stent placement
Urodynamic tests
Urologic abscess debridement and drainage
Urology ultrasound
Varicocele surgery
Vesical calcium ston endoscopic removal
Vesicoureteral reflux endoscopy
Vesicular irrigation
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524 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

Trained as a urologist in the Santo Tomás Hospital, urological ultrasound in Baltimore by the American Society of Urology, Holmium laser prostatic surgery (Holep) with Dr. Placer in Barcelona, laparoscopic surgery in Strasbourg France, Cáceres Spain and Munich Germany, Reconstructive surgery of Urethra with Dr. GilVernet and Dr. Ropero in Barcelona, Surgery for Female Urinary Incontinence (TOT) in Salvador with Dr. Rebollo. Always in constant preparation and professional updating to provide the professional and dignified attention that every patient deserves. Currently an official of the Santo Tomás Hospital and Head of the Urology Service of the Aquilino Tejeira Hospital, Penonomé.

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My studies

Specialty in Urology. Hospital Santo Tomás y La Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Panamá. 2017
Doctor of medicine and surgery. Universidad Latina de Panamá. August 2008

My courses

Hands-on Urologic Ultrasound Linthicum - Baltimore, Estados Unidos November 2016
XII Congress of the Panamanian Society of Urology October 2016
XXI Congress of the Ibero-American Society of Pediatric Urology October 2016
XXXV Congress of the American Confederation of Urology October 2016
Course of reconstructive urethral surgery in adults - General Hospital San San Juan de Dios Sanitation Park, Barcelona, ​​Spain. June 2016
XVIII Course of Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy, Module II - Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón, Cáceres, España May 2016
XVIII Course of Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy, Module I - Jesús Usón Minimally Invasive Surgery Center, Cáceres, Spain April 2016
Advanced course on urethral stricture surgery - Munich, Germany March 2016
31st Annual Congress of the European Association of Urology - Munich, Germany March 2016
1st Global Summit and Men's Health Update Days - Panama, Panama. December 2015
Theoretical workshop course "Stone Institute" - Panama, Panama October 2015
XI Urology Congress "Golden Wedding" September 2015
XLIV Medical Scientific Seminars 2015 of the Santo Tomás Hospital September 2015
XXXIX Congreso Internacional del Colegio Mexicano de Urología Nacional A.C. - Acapulco, Mexico April 2015
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My internships or trainings

Diploma DegreeLaparoscopic surgery, Université de Strasbourg - Estrasburgo, France
Hospital RotationHospital Vall d'Hebron Department of Urology, January - July 2016
ESU/ESUT Hands-on training in Basic laparoscopic skills - Munich, Germany. March 2016
Show all my studies

I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Enlarged prostate
Genitourinary Trauma
Kidney cancer
Prostate cancer
Urinary Tract Calculations
Adrenal tumor
Balanitis (foreskin inflammation)
Bladder cancer
Bladder problems
Burning during urinating
Colovesical Fistulas
Curved penis
Delayed ejaculation
Excessive urination at night
Fournier gangrene
Genital warts
Hematospermia (blood in semen)
Hematuria (blood in the urine)
Inguinal hernia
Kidney stone
Male infertility
Male sexual disorder
Penis cancer
Penis diversion
Penis infection
Premature ejaculation
Prostate pain
Renal colic (kidney nephritic syndrome)
Sexual development disorder
Sexual dysfunction
Sexual function problems
Sexual impotence (erectile dysfunction)
Spermatocele (spermatic cyst)
Testicle absence
Testicular cancer
Testicular torsion
Twisted spermatic cord
Ureteral obstruction
Urethral Cancer
Urethral meatal stenosis
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Urinary tract infections
Vesicovaginal Fistula
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Attending Specialist in Urology
Head of the Chair of Urology of the Interamerican University of Panama
Head of the Urology Department of the Aquilino Tejeira Hospital, Penonomé

I am affiliated with:

American Urological Association (AUA)
European Association of Urology (EAU)

I speak these languages:


My awards

2023 Centro de Excelencia para procedimiento Rezum por Boston Scientific
2022 Prize for the medical by achievement for a better life

My publications

SOP San Fernando
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Mario Elías Herrera Cedeño

Seguros aceptados


Cideq, S.A.



BlueCross BlueShield


Pan-American Life - PALIG


Ancon Vivir

Worldwide Medical