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110 patient reviews
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Subspecialty in Cornea and Ocular Surface. Escola Paulista de Medicina - Hospital Sao Paulo. February 2015 - March 2016Diploma in ocular ultrasound. Escuela Superior de Oftalmología - Instituto Barraquer. September 2014 - February 2015Specialist in Glaucoma. Escuela Superior de Oftalmología - Instituto Barraquer. October 2011 - October 2014Bachelor and Licenciate Degree in Medical Sciences. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. 2003 - 2008
Emilio Torres Nieto, María Daniela Rivera Monge, Denise de Freitas, Aline Moriyama.Pre descement’s Endothelial Keratoplasty PDEK:learning curve in the firstBrazilians cases. Journal of Ophthalomology &Clinical Research. Volume 2. Issue 1.Pages1-3. April 2018.
Co autoria Capitulo 47. Libro CICAFE – Cirugía de la caratara con Láser deFemtosegundo. Mayo, 2016.
Ricardo M. Nose, Maria Daniela Rivera Monge Adriana Forseto y Walton Nose.Descement membrane Detachment in Femtosecond laser – Assisted CataractSurgery. Cornea. Volumen 35, Numero 4, Abril 2016.
Ana Filipa Miranda; María Daniela Rivera-Monge; Charles Costa Farias. RothmoundThompson Syndrome and ocular surface findings: case report and review ofliterature. Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalomologia.
Abstracto presentado en Congreso Internacional, K.M Chaves, M.L. Herrera, M.DRivera, M. Hermández, R.Ulloa – Gutierrez. Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern of Shigellaspp Stools Isolates in Costa Rican Children. 48 th Annual Metting on infectious diseaseshosted by the American society for microbiology and Infectious Diseases Society ofAmerica. Washintong, DC. October 25 – 28, 2008. Pág. 386.