
My appointments

Marcela Zamora Arrieta

Marcela Zamora Arrieta


My license

  • 10195 · College of Psychologists of Costa Rica
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
General Inquiry
Coaching (labor, executive, life)
Coaching Conductual
Conflict management
Couples therapy
Crisis intervention for victims of violence
Divorce counseling
Emotional support
Female Empowerment
Grief counseling
Guide to the life project
Individual Therapy
Intelligence quotient (IQ) test
Online Medicine
Relaxation techniques
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21 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

Specialized work in restorative practices. Ten years of experience in issues of childhood and adolescence, criminal behavior, restorative justice, human rights, National Legislation for the protection of children and adolescents, violence and gender. Experience in working with interdisciplinary teams, as well as the preparation and execution of psychoeducational workshops and the preparation of psychological reports. Experience in university and secondary teaching, research, crisis intervention and therapeutic care, as well as extensive experience in the management of human capital.

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My studies

Máster en Terapia Breve Estratégica. Centro de Terapia Breve Estratégica. April 2023
Bachelor's and Bachelor's Degree in Psychology with emphasis in HR administratio. Universidad de Costa Rica. 2016

My courses

Psychotherapy of trauma from the Body. ACOTRAUMA 2019
Conceptualization of Eating Disorders. ACOTRAUMA 2019
Evaluation of Mental Suitability for Care Centers. 2019
Cognitive Behavioral Intervention Techniques for the Treatment of Children. 2018
Guide for the detection, evaluation, therapeutic process of survivors of sexual abuse and sex offenders. 2018
Use and creation of stories in psychotherapeutic processes with children and adolescents from a cognitive behavioral approach. 2017
Introduction to Restorative Practices and Using Circles Effectively. 2017
Psychological First Aid. 2017
Courses about Sexual Abuse: "Neurophysical Implications of Sexual Abuse", "Guide Principles for Therapeutic Understanding and Intervention", "Reporting Sexual Crimes" and "Forensic Expert Witness Report of Sexual Abuse Situations" at Fundacion Ser y Crecer, Costa Rica 2012 2012
Sexual Abuse: Guiding Principles for understanding and therapeutic intervention. 2012
Report of sexual crimes and forensic Medical Expertise. 2012
Crisis intervention in situations of Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse. 2012
Guide for the detection, evaluation, therapeutic process of survivors of sexual abuse and sex offenders.
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My internships or trainings

Brainspotting Fase I y II -Colegio de Psicólogos de CR y Brainspotting Ecuador
PreceptorshipPrácticas Restaurativas
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Anxious or excessive eating
Psychological Trauma
Binge Eating Disorder
Chronic depression (dysthymia)
Chronic stress
Codependent relationships
Couple conflict
Drug abuse
Drug addiction
Emotional crisis
Encopresis (bowel incontinence)
Enuresis (inability to control urination)
Hostile behavior
Morbid obesity
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
Panic attack
Poor school performance
Posttraumatic stress
Rebel child against parents
Suicidal behavior
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Coordinator of the Mental Health Axis, Specialized Program for Temporary Residential Protection for Attention in Isolation and Recovery from COVID-19 for children and adolescents (CO-VIDA).
Technical Coordinator, Residential Modality Surgir
Encargada de Atención Psicosocial + Empleo-Aliarse

I speak these languages:


My publications

Parajeles, M. & Zamora, M. (2012). Educación Sexual en la Adolescencia: la vivencia de un trabajo comunal universitario. Medicina Legal Costa Rica. Vol. 29 (2)..
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Marcela Zamora Arrieta

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Pan-American Life - PALIG

Consultorio Lic. Marcela Zamora Arrieta


Pan-American Life - PALIG

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Pan-American Life - PALIG

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Pan-American Life - PALIG