
My appointments

Loretta Piccolo Johanning

Loretta Piccolo Johanning

Cosmetic dermatologyDermatological SurgeryDermatology

I focus on:

  • Dermatology-oncology

My license

  • MED11457 ยท Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Cutaneos therapeutic infiltration
Abscess debridement and drainage
Anti aging care
Botulinum toxin
Cancer Surgery
CO2 laser
Complex skin cancer, sarcoma and melanoma
Corrective injectable therapy for expression lines
Corrective Injection Retouching Therapy for Express Lines
Curing of warts and acrochordons
Cutaneous biopsy
Debridement and direct closure repartion for scars, wounds, ulcers, or burns
Dermatologic laser rejuvenation
Early detection of skin cancer
Electrosurgery mole removal
Enzyme Placement
Evaluation of freckles
Face or neck cutaneous tumor removal
Facial Filling
Facial wrinkle fillers with hyaluronic acid
Flaps and / or grafts
Follow-up of malignant tumors
Full body PUVA and UVB treatment
Hair exam
Ingrown toenail surgery
Injections with platelet-rich plasma
Laser for hemangioma
Laser removal of tatoo or skin mark removal
Laser surgery
Lip Filler
Lipoma Surgery
Lobe Surgery
Localized PUVA and UVB treatment
Mohs skin
Mole and freckle control and prevention
Mole and skin lesion evaluation
Mole removal
Molluscum contagiosum (MC), acrochordon, or ruby point removal
Mucus biopsy
Nail exam
Nd Yag Laser
Online Medicine
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
Platelet-rich plasma
Post Surgical Treatment
Simple cutaneous tumor surgery with biopsy
Skin Cancer Follow-Up
Skin cancer regulated surgery
Skin Check
Skin check
Skin surgery
Thermi RF
Treatment for hyperhidrosis
Xanthelasma surgery
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All the ratings here are reviewed by our team to ensure they are real patients. People who leave their rating anonymously are also verified by our team to ensure that they did attend the appointment with this healthcare professional.


208 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

My studies

Dermatology Specialist. Universidad de Costa Rica. August 2014 - August 2018
Specialty in Surgical Dermatology, Skin Cancer and Clinical Dermatology. Universidad de Costa Rica. August 2014 - August 2018
Doctor and Surgery. Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. January 2006 - December 2011

My courses

Participación de múltiples Congresos de Dermatología a nivel Internacional anualmente January 2014 - January 2021
Curso MD Codes. Allergan Institute June 2020 - June 2020
Diplomatura en Dermatologia Clinica, Colegio Iberolatinoamericano de Dermatología. CILAD February 2019 - February 2020
Training: Dermatological Surgery at Universidad de Barcelona - Hospital Clinico Provincial, Spain October 2018 - October 2018
International Micrographic Surgery Workshop Course in Mohs, Jalisco. Mexico October 2018 - October 2018
Update on Facial Rejuvenation Techniques August 2018 - August 2018
Diploma in Laser Therapy August 2018 - August 2018
Entrenamiento en Cirugía Dermatológica y Cáncer de Piel August 2014 - August 2018
University Course of Photodermatology, University of Valencia. Spain February 2018 - July 2018
Curso de Dermatoscopía para valoración de lesiones cutáneas. CILAD July 2017 - August 2017
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My internships or trainings

InternshipDermatological Surgery
Technician DegreeFractionated Skin Rejuvenation
Anatomia Aplicada En Cadáveres Enfocada en la aplicación de productos inyectables
Tecnicas de Rejuvenecimiento Facial con Toxina y Rellenos
Tratamientos laser avanzados
Dermatoscopia para detección de lesiones sospechosas en la piel
Abordaje quirurgico del Cáncer de piel
Show all my studies

I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Atopical dermatitis
Skin spots
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis)
Expression lines
Facial flaccidity
Feet calluses
Genital warts
Itchy skin
Jock itch
Lipoma (benign fatty tumor)
Localized fat
Molluscum contagiosum
Nail fungus
Sagging eyelid
Scalp itch (tinea capitis)
Scarred skin
Seborrheic dermatitis (cradle cap)
Skin aging
Skin allergy
Skin cancer
Skin fungus
Skin irritation (rash)
Skin mole
Skin outbreaks
Skin tumors
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS)
Stretch marks
under-eye circles
Vitiligo (white patched on skin)
Yellow spots on eyes
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Médico Especialista en Dermatología- Práctica Privada
Médico Especialista en Dermatología- CCSS- finalizado en diciembre 2020

I am affiliated with:

Member: Costa Rican Association of Dermatology (ASCODE)
Central American and Caribbean Society of Dermatology
Ibero-Latin American College of Dermatology

I speak these languages:


My awards

2019 WCD Rising Star Scholarship. World Congress of Dermatology
2018 2018 Strauss Katz World Congress Fund Scholarship. Asociación Americada de Dermatología.
2017 Premio Prof. Miguel Angel Armijo. Sociedad Centroamericana y del Caribe de Dermatología.

My publications

Exposición de 3 casos clínicos ganadores en el Congreso Mundial de Dermatología, Milán, Italia. 2019
Exposición de un caso clínico ganador en el Congreso de la Academia Americana de Dermatología, Washington, USA. 2018.
Exposición de un caso clínico ganador en el Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Centroamericana y del Caribe. Antigua, Guatemala. 2017
Piccolo Johanning, L; Chaves Lavagni, M. “Hiperpigmentación Cutánea inducida por Fenotiazinas” Rev Cl EMed UCR. Vol 8, No IV, 2018. Pp:1-4.
Piccolo Johanning, L; Pérez Elizondo, E; Álvarez Morales, L; Wang Zúñiga, C; Sancho Torres, M. “Leishmaniasis: Opciones terapéuticas en la población pediátrica” Rev Med Legal CR. Vol. 35 (1) Marzo 2018
Brenes Leñero, E.; Piccolo Johanning L. “Técnicas de reconstrucción nasal tras resección de un carcinoma basocelular.” Rev Cl EMed UCR. Vol 1, No I. 2016. Pp: 99-108.
Piccolo Johanning, L; Brenes Leñero, E. “Actualidades del Ganglio Centinela en el Melanoma Cutáneo” Rev Med Legal CR. Vol 32(2). Setiembre 2015.
Piccolo Johanning, L; Chan Navarrete, A. “Melanoma Acral Lentiginoso: una entidad a tener en cuenta en la práctica diaria” Rev Cl EMed UCR. Vol 3, No VI, 2013. Pp: 15-19.
Piccolo Johanning, L; Kellermann Guterman, V; Valerio Campos, I; Chinchilla Carmona, M. “Efecto Inmunosupresor de la Infección por Trypanosoma Musculi (mastigophora: trypanosomatidae) en la Toxoplasmosis Experimental”. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol ISSN-0034-7744). Vol. 61 (2): 981-990, June 2013.
Montoya Mora, G; Piccolo Johanning L. “Femenina 13 años con Nevus Piloso Gigante: reporte de caso y descripción del tratamiento quirúrgico”. Rev Cl EMed UCR. Vol 3, No III, 2013. Pp: 1-4.
Piccolo Johanning, L. “Síndrome Compartimental Abdominal en el Paciente Quemado”. Rev Cl EMed UCR. Vol 2, No IX, 2012. Pp: 6-9.
Piccolo Johanning, L; Centeno Rodriguez, M. “Síndrome Compartimental Agudo en el Paciente Quemado Eléctrico: diagnóstico y manejo”. Rev Cl EMed UCR. Vol 2 No IV, 2012. Pp: 9-16.
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Loretta Piccolo Johanning

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