
My appointments

Laura Gabriela Meoño Nimo

Laura Gabriela Meoño Nimo


My license

  • MED9559 · Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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  • Centro de Especialidades Médicas La Inmaculada.
    Heredia, Heredia, Heredia, Costa Rica
    10 Avenue, Street 8, Los Angeles, Heredia

    ADISA · ASSA · BlueCross BlueShield · BMI · EBS · INS Medical · MAPFRE · Medismart · Pan-American Life - PALIG · Redbridge

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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Anti incontinence surgery with SLING placement
Bartholin gland abscess drainage
Bartholin's gland extirpation
Breast exam
Cervical cerclage
Cervical pathology
Cervical, vaginal or vulvar polyp removal
Cervix biopsy
Cesarean postpartum hysterectomy
Colposcopy and biopsy
Condyloma cauterization with acid
Copper T placement (Device included)
Corrective vaginal surgery
Diagnostic laparoscopy
Electrocautery for genital warts
Endometrial biopsy
Exploratory laparsocopy
First consultation
Four dimensional (4D) ultrasound
Gynecologic control
Gynecological ultrasound
HPV vaccine
Human papillomavirus (HPV) exam
Hysteroscopic foreign object removal
Implanon Application
Intrauterine Device Placement
IUD removal procedure
Labia Surgery
Labor control and care
Laminaria placement
Laparoscopic adhesion release
Laparoscopic ectopic gestation
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Laparoscopic tube ligation surgery
Laparotomic tube ligation surgery
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)
Manual Vacuum Aspiration
Multiple birth
Multiple C-section (more than one baby)
Natural birth attention
Obstetric Ultrasound
Ovarian cystectomy
Pap monolayer
Pap smear
Pelvic endometriosis laparoscopy
Pelvic exam
Pelvic inflammatory disease laparoscopic treatment
Post surgery follow-up
Posterior Colpoperineorrafia
Postpartum salpingectomy
Pregnancy Complications
Prenatal care
Previous colpoperineorrafia
Salpingectomy transcesarean
Single C-section (one baby)
Three dimensional (4D) ultrasound
Tranvaginal echography
Uterine conserving surgery
Uterine dilation and curettage
Uterine neck cerclage removal
Uterine prolapse surgery
Vaginal exam
Vaginal foreign growth removal
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Vaginal, juxta, or paracervical cyst removal
Vulva benign tumor removal
Vulva biopsy
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All the ratings here are reviewed by our team to ensure they are real patients. People who leave their rating anonymously are also verified by our team to ensure that they did attend the appointment with this healthcare professional.


520 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

Since I was a teenager I was trapped by the perfect functioning of the human body, so I decided to become a doctor, and very early in college I decided on Gynecology and Obstetrics, because I was captivated by the complexity of the female system, the delicate hormonal balance that regulates us, the incredible miracle of life in a pregnancy, and can help understand and treat an infertile couple so they become parents. I consider myself demanding in everything I do, and that is why I give the best of myself to meet the needs of my patients.

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My studies

Diplomado en Ginecología Infanto- Juvenil. FLASOG. February 2021 - September 2021
Máster en Medicina Reproductiva e Infertilidad. Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad y Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. July 2017 - October 2018
Specialty in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Universidad de Costa Rica. February 2009 - February 2012
Baccalaureate and Bachelor of General Medicine. Universidad de Costa Rica. January 2002 - December 2007

My courses

Curso de Medicina Materno Fetal (Perinatología) February 2021 - January 2022
International IVIRMA Congress November 2021 - November 2021
Diplomado en Ginecología Infanto-Juvenil (FLASOG) March 2021 - September 2021
Basic Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Course, ACLS May 2021 - May 2021
Master in Reproductive Medicine and Infertility, Valencian Institute of Infertility with Rey Juan Carlos University July 2017 - October 2018
Intensive Course of Ultrasonography in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Doppler, 3D / 4D - CEDUM, Panama January 2016 - January 2016
XVII Congress of the Latin American Federation of Ultrasound Societies - FLAUS and IX International Symposium Costa Rican Association of Ultrasound in Medicine (ACUM) May 2015 - May 2015
Office hysteroscopy and hysteroscopic resection techniques, Endoscopy Academy September 2014 - September 2014
Diploma en Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva y miembro de la World Association of Laparoscopic Surgeons, WLH- India September 2013 - December 2013
Pre-Congress of Colposcopy for Gynecologists September 2011 - September 2011
XIII National Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics June 2011 - June 2011
Maternal Fetal Life Support June 2011 - June 2011
XXIII Congreso Nacional de Obstetricia y Ginecología July 2022
Emergencies in Gynecology and Obstetric Blue Code - Centro Internacional de Entrenamiento en Emergencias S.M.I April 2008
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My internships or trainings

Diploma DegreeDiploma in basic and advanced gynecological laparoscopy. 2014
InternshipHysteroscopy course
InternshipMaster in Reproductive Medicine and Infertility
InternshipCurso intensivo en Ultrasonido Ginecológico y Obstétrico 3/4D y doppler
Diploma DegreeDiplomado en Ginecología Infanto- Juvenil
Show all my studies

I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Ovarian cyst
Period pain
Uncontrolled menstruation
Abnormal Pap smear
Birth control pills
Bladder problems
Cervical dysplasia
Ectopic pregnancy (eccysis)
Fetal malformation
Fibroma (benign connective tissue tumor)
Gestational diabetes
Hot flash
Missed menstrual period
Myoma (benign muscle tumor)
Pain during sex
Pelvic and perineal pain
Pelvic floor weakness
Placenta previa
Polycystic ovary
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Recurrent miscarriage
Vaginal bleeding
Vaginal discharge
Yeast infection
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia - Hospital San Rafael de Alajuela
Head of Clinic - Gynecology and Obstetrics Service - HSRA
General coordinator of internal doctors
Chair Coordinator of the Latin University - Gynecology at HSRA

I am affiliated with:

ACOG: The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

I speak these languages:


My awards

2012 Graduation of Honor - Specialty in Gynecology and Obstetrics
2007 Graduation of Honor in Medicine and Surgery
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Laura Gabriela Meoño Nimo

Seguros aceptados


Centro de Especialidades Médicas La Inmaculada.



BlueCross BlueShield



INS Medical



Pan-American Life - PALIG
