
My appointments

Jose Francisco Díaz Coto

Jose Francisco Díaz Coto


My license

  • MED2488 · Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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5 patient reviews

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About me

I have more than thirty years of experience in Rheumatology. During all this time I have tried to provide the best care to my patients, which has made me dabble in different therapeutic modalities, so I did a subspecialty in Physical Therapy in Germany, then courses in Homeopathy and Acupuncture. In addition, seeking to improve the care of my patients, I obtained recognition as a clinical densitometrist. I have currently reported over 10,000 densitometric studies. I am the pioneer of the use of Muscle Skeletal Ultrasound in Rheumatology, I have more than 15 years in this field. I am also interested in other diagnostic modalities such as capillaroscopy, an early diagnostic method for Systemic Cutaneous Sclerosis. I have participated in several Latin American study groups, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis. I have participated in the elaboration of treatment schemes for various diseases, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Vasculitis and Ankylosing Spondylitis for both Costa Rica and Latin America. These schemes seek to optimize the treatment of these diseases. I was in charge of the fibromyalgia clinic at Hospital Mexico for more than 20 years. Where I understood the character of this disease and how to help these patients. Each patient represents a challenge that motivates me to keep up-to-date and give my best to always be a help.

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My studies

Rheumatology specialist. Universidad de Costa Rica. January 1983 - December 1996
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery. Univesidad de Costa Rica. March 1976 - December 1981

My courses

Proloterapia y Terapia Neural en Medicina Regenerativa. ISSCA, modalidad en línea. July 2024 - July 2024
XV Curso Teórico-Práctico de Ecografía Musculoesquelética. San Sebastían, España. Octubre 2023 October 2023 - October 2023
Curso On line de ecografía codo muñeca mano. – San Sebastían, España. April 2022 - April 2022
Curso de Postgrado Ecografía aplicada a la Reumatología. Instituto Universitario Hospital Italiano May 2021 - August 2021
Curso Universitario en Trastorno del Sueño en Neurología. TECH Universidad Tecnológica May 2021 - July 2021
Curso de Educación Médica Continuada: DNL4.0 – Dolor Neuropático Localizado, Alcalá de Henares January 2021 - July 2021
Radiorheumatology, course of diagnosis through imaging in rheumatology. Educational Course – Societá Italana a Reumatologia 2018 - December 2018
Curso Virtual en Línea : Farmaco-economía y disponibilidad de medicamentos. – Estudios farmacoeconómicos S.A. de C.V November 2017 - November 2017
II Curso de Revisión en Reumatología PANLAR – Actualización en Biosimilares. Lima, Perú. September 2017 - September 2017
Curso Avances en Espondiloartritis.Universidad Córdoba. Córdoba, España May 2014 - May 2014
Curso de Capacitación Avanzada en Osteoporosis. International Osteoporosis Foundation. San José, Costa Rica November 2013 - November 2013
Curso Osteoporosis:Esencia de la Densitometría, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Facultad de Medicina Mexicalli. Acapulco August 2013 - August 2013
Nefropatía Lúpica. Instituto de Postgrado de Estudios de Medicina y Salud October 2012 - December 2012
Multidisciplinary Approach to Psoriatic Diseases: Improving Patient Management and Outcomes. ACINDES – Brigham and Womens Hospital. The Joseph B Martin Conference Center. Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. USA November 2012 - November 2012
Ejercicio Teach the New PANLAR Teachers. Liga Panamericana de Asociaciones de Reumatología. La Escuela de Ecografía del Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología y el El Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología. November 2011 - November 2011
Make an autopsy of your Musculoskeletal Ultrasound skills. Part I.- Sonoanatomy of Entheses and Tendons. Part II.- Update and challenges in the Ankle and Foot. University of Barcelona. Belvitge Hospital, Barcelona, Spain February 2011 - February 2011
EULAR On line Course on Rheumatic Diseases September 2008 - October 2010
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound of the Hand and the Peripheral Nerves of the Extremities. Autopsy your Musculoskeletal Skills. – Univesidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España February 2010 - February 2010
Curso de Postgrado Epidemiología y Estadística. Regresión Logística. Instituto Universitario – Escuela de Medicina del Hospital Italiano – Departamento de Posgrado -Buenos Aires, Argentina – Curso en línea May 2009 - July 2009
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My internships or trainings

Medizinische Hochschule Hannover - Alemania Oct. 87 a Dic. 88
Rheumaklinik Bad Bramstedt Bad Bramstedt - Alemania Ene. 89 a Set. 89
Abordaje Diagnóstico y Terapéutico de la Osteoporosis Universidad Autónoma Nuevo León - Monterrey, MX Junio a Mayo 2002
Ecografía Músculoesquelética del Aparato Locomotor de la Escuela de Ecografía de la Sociedad Española de Reumatología. Madrid, España 18 de Mayo al 16 de Junio – 2006
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Rheumatoid arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Carpal tunnel syndrome
High uric acid
Joint and muscle vasculitis
Joint pain
Lower back pain
Meralgia paresthetica
Muscle contracture
Muscle pain
Myofascial syndrome
Neck pain, shoulder and hips
Sjögren's syndrome
Spinal cord joint inflammation (ankylosing spondylitis)
Systematic sclerosis
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Head of the Rheumatology Service - Hospital México - 2012 to date
Ultrasonografista Clínica de Ultrasonido Plaja Jul. 2011 a Dic 2013
Coordinador Unidad de Densitometría - Hospital México - Jul.2011 a la fecha
Jefe de Clínica del Servicio de Reumatología - Hospital México - Mayo 2005 a Junio 2012
Investigador Clínico - INDEC Medical – Ene 2005 a la fecha
Subcoordinador Unidad de Densitometría - Hospital México - Oct. 2003 a Jun. 2011
Coordinador Médico Clínica de Fibromialgia - Hospital Mexico - Ene.95 a Jul 2012
Médico ReumatólogoConsultorio Médico Privado Enero 1990 a la fecha
Médico Asistente del Servicio de Reumatología - Hospital México - Ene. 90 a Abril 2005

I am affiliated with:

Costa Rican Association of Rheumatology

I speak these languages:


My publications

PANLAR consensus statement on biosimilars. Clin Rheumatol. 2019 Jul;38(7):2021-2022. doi: 10.1007/s10067-019-04592-4
Reliability of OMERACT ultrasound elementary lesions in gout: results from a multicenter exercise. Rheumatol Int 2019 Apr;39(4):707-713. doi: 10.1007/s00296-018-4220-0. Epub 2018 Dec 11
Can nailfold videocapillaroscopy images be interpreted reliably by different observers? Results of an inter-reader and intra-reader exercise among rheumatologists with different experience in this field. Clin Rheumatol. 2018 Feb 23. doi: 10.1007/s10067-018-4041-2.
Manejo de las vasculitis asociadas a los ANCA. Rev Hisp Cienc Salud. 2017; 3(4): 147-154
Protocolo para la valoración previa a la inmunusupresión farmacológica en patologías reumáticas. Acta Médica Costarricense 2017; 59:153-157.
Guías de manejo de artritis reumatoide. Consenso 2016 Asociación Costarricense de Reumatología. Acta Médica Costarricense 2017; 59:103-109.
Protocolo de atención clínica para pacientes con nefritis lúpica en el servicio de reumatología Hospital México, Costa Rica. Perspectiva en investigación 2016; 6: 1-36.
Real-PANLAR project for the implementation and accreditation of centers of excellence in Rheumatoid Arthritis throughout Latin America. J Clin Rheumtol 2015; 21: 175-180
Recomendaciones de la Liga Panamericana de Asociaciones de Reumatología para el tratamiento de la espondiloartritis axial Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2023 Nov;19(11):724-737. doi: 10.1038/s41584-023-01034-z. Epub 2023 Oct 6. PMID: 37803079
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Jose Francisco Díaz Coto

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