Body composition analysis
Clinical exercise prescription
Consultation + Psychotropic or narcotic prescription
Evaluation of benign tumors
Facial & Body Hair Removal
Facial and body radiofrequency
Facial and corporal mesotherapy
Facial wrinkle fillers with hyaluronic acid
Fractional Radio Frequency
General medicine consultation with Advanced Support Unit
Hormone treatment (non-chemical)
Infiltration with botulinic toxin
Injections with platelet-rich plasma
Laser removal of tatoo or skin mark removal
Medical evaluation of the athlete
Medical Microdermabrasion
Medical revison to obtain permit (drivers license, etc.)
Microdermabrasion with aluminum crystals
Online Medicine
Placement of intravenous medications
Placement of tensioning wires
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
Pre-exercise medical screening
Radiofrequency for rolls of fat, stretch marks and cellulite
Removal of moles and warts
Sports Injury Prevention Program