
My appointments

Javier Francisco Ortiz Gutiérrez

Javier Francisco Ortiz Gutiérrez

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  • Fundación Gaia
    Curridabat, San José Province, Costa Rica.
    Curridabat, Street number A018 De Mcdonalds in front of Plaza Del Sol, 200 meters south (down the hill) and 200 meters east (turning left)
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Couples Counseling
Ejaculatory control and female orgasm
Hypnotherapy and biocommunication
Online Medicine
Bach flowers
Creative Sexuality, Tantra, and Spirituality
Holistic Body Therapy, Massage, Acupressure and Reiki
Physio kundalini syndrome
Transgender counseling
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15 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

I have devoted my entire professional life to provide my clients with the state of maximum creativity, integration and well-being, in the most natural, simple and effective way possible, with a very extensive and varied menu of holistic tools.

Holistic Sexology diagnoses and treats conditions that require professional intervention in sexuality and gender and advises and gives accompaniment in programs to achieve greater enjoyment of sexuality, of couple relationships, of diversity management and improvement of quality of life, even when there are no conditions that require treatment.

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My studies

Diplomado en Terapia Corporal Holística. Instituto Holístico Gaia. 1991
Doctorado en Sexologia. Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality. 1982
Egresado del Doctorado en Ciencias Integrales de la Salud. Columbia Pacific University. 1982
Técnico en masaje y digitopuntura. Acupressure Institute. 1982
Bachelors in Psychology. Universidad de Costa Rica. 1979
Bachiller en sociología y antropología. Universidad de Costa Rica. 1978

My courses

Breema Shiatsu - Breema Center November 1982
Management of the Personality Enneagram - Healing Ourselves Center November 1982
Fear of Insanity with Alexander Lowen, The Bioenergetic Society of Northern California, Inc, San Francisco, California November 1982
Applied Kinesiology - Touch for Health Foundation July 1982
Tibetan Meditation, Philosophy and Psychology - Nyingma Institute September 1981 - June 1982
Ashtanga Yoga - Mount Madonna Center December 1981
Hypnotherapy - Clement Hypnosis Center January 1980 - June 1981
Sexual Aspects of Prescription Drugs - California Society for the Treatment of Alcoholism and Other Drug Dependencies April 1981
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Chronic stress
Ejaculatory control
Sexual discrepancy in the couple
Compulsive Sexual Behavior
Hypersensitivity to seminal plasma
Identity of gender
porn addiction
Sexual orientation
Vaginal dryness
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Integral Balance Instructor
Independent expert of the United Nations Organization in the area of ​​Holistic Sciences
President and founder of Fundación Gaia

I speak these languages:


My awards

2021 Balance Integral avalado por Organización de las Naciones Unidas

My publications

Las cien preguntas y el arcoíris del género - libroEl Camino de la Evolución Consciente - libroEligiendo Saber - libroPandemia y Sexualidad: cómo nos afectó y qué hacer al respecto - libro
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Javier Francisco Ortiz Gutiérrez

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