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Ida María Solano Solano

Ida María Solano Solano


My license

  • MED3438 · Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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35 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

Es una doctora muy profesional, empatica y comprensiva.

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Nos pareció muy profesional, atenta a los detalles y notas sobre la historia del caso. Muy contentos por su acertado manejo del caso e intercambio de información y orientación respectiva.

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Me sentí conectada con la Dra. Muy agradecida con su atención y explicación de todo

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Me sentí muy a gusto y en confianza, muy acertados sus consejos.

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Excelente doctora,tiene un interés integral por el paciente

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Excelente doctora,tiene un interés integral por el paciente

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Se presentó 20 minutos tarde a la consulta virtual sin aviso previo, me tuve que comunicar con la secretaría para saber que estaba sucediendo. Me interrumpió más de una vez cuando estaba tratando de contestar preguntas. El tono de voz y el trato no fueron lo esperado, el problema no era lo que decía si no su manera de decirlo, salí de la cita sintiéndome peor de lo que me sentía anteriormente.

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Muy profesional, leí los comentarios de los otros pacientes y eso fue lo que me dio más seguridad para agendar con ella. Tenían razón en todo lo que decían, un excelente trato, super prefesional y atenta. Realmente inspira a salir adelante.

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About me

Medical specialist in psychiatry around more than 25 years of experience.

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My studies

Psychiatry Specialty. CENDEISS U.C.R.. 1993
Bachelor and Licenciate Degree in Medical Sciences. Universidad de Costa Rica. 1987

My courses

XXV Central American Congress of Psychiatry. 20 credits for Medical Recertification. April 2011
XlX Central American Congress of Psychiatry, IV National Congress of Psychiatry and Apal Symposium. 15 credits of Medical Recertification. March 2005
American Psychiatric Association 2005 Annual Meeting "Psychosomatic Medicine: Integrating Psychiatry &Medicine". Atlanta, Georgia. 2005
LXV National Medical Congress, V International Congress of Medicine, ll National Medical Congress by Videoconference. November 2003
Symposium "Labor Stress and Burn Out Syndrome" June 2003
V Latin American Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology and Vll Colombian Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology. February 2003
Course: Psychopharmacology. 5 EMC credits by the Medical Recertification Committee of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Costa Rica. March 2001
Course: Psychopharmacology, by Dr. Fernandez Labriola. April 2000
Xlll Costa Rican Conferences of Legal Medicine and ll Central American Congress of Forensic Pathology. August 1999
Course: Basic Principles in Attention to Family Problems. November 1996
Course: Basic Principles on Attention to Emotional Problems. June 1995
Course: Attention to Emotional Disorders in Children. June 1995
Course: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of acute poisoning caused by pesticides. May 1994 - December 1994
International Symposium on Bipolar Affective Disorder. November 1994
International Obstetrics Symposium. "Medical Complications of Pregnancy". November 1994
lll International Cardiology Symposium. November 1994
Course: Prodias lll February 1994 - October 1994
Course: Methodology in Family Therapy. May 1993 - July 1993
Course: Treatment of the man who abuses his partner. May 1993
Annual Internal Medicine Course. July 1992
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Briquet's syndrome (hysteria or omatization disorder)
Disorders and behavioral changes
Hypochondria (health anxiety)
Identity disorder
Medicine dependence
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
Panic attack
Paranoid personality disorder
Personality disorder
Posttraumatic stress
Psychotic behavior
Suicidal behavior
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Assistant Physician in Psychiatry - CCSS Hospital Chacón Paut, Costa Rica. 1989 - Current.
Specialist in Psychiatry - Hospital del Trauma, Costa Rica. January 2013 - September 2017.

I speak these languages:


My awards

1997 Temporary Advisor Pan American Health Organization to participate in the Congress of Psychiatry in Santiago de Chile.

My publications

"Informe sobre la Evaluación del Programa Educativo AMP/PTD para Médicos Generales en la Identificación y Tratamiento de los Trastornos Depresivos en San José, Costa Rica''.
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Ida María Solano Solano

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