
My appointments

Héctor Manuel Crooks Sarmiento

Héctor Manuel Crooks Sarmiento

Orthopedics and TraumatologySpine surgery

My license

  • 2146 · Technical Health Council of Panama
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
Cervical and Thoracolumbar Vertebral Cervical Fractures
Herniated Intervertebral Disk Surgery
Minimmaly invasive vertebral column surgery
Scoliosis Surgery
General Inquiry
Cervical fusion
Cervical spine fracture surgery
Intervertebral disk prosthesis
Vertebral disc surgery minimally invasive
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97 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

Specialist in Column Surgery, with 32 years of experience. I keep updated training in Continuing Medical Education of the Spine.
I am a Founding Member and President of the Panamanian Association of Column Surgery (NGO) since 2004.

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My studies

Spine Surgery. London University. November 1984 - October 1985
Specialty in Orthopedics and Traumatology. Universidad de Panamá - Facultad de Medicina. November 1981 - October 1984
Doctor in medicine. Universidad de Panamá - Facultad de Medicina. September 1974 - October 1979

My courses

Advanced Deformities Seminar - AOSpine 2016
AOSpine Advanced Seminar - Spine Complications
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery - Medtronic Hands On Training
Davos Masters Courses - AOSpine
Symposium: Spine Surgery Controversies - AOSpine
Seminar: Raquimedular Trauma - AOSpine
Curso de Infecciones Nosocomiales
Curso de Actualización en Reumatología
Curso de Tumores Óseos
Cursillo de Enfermedades Infecciosas
Seminario Sobre Artroscopia de la Rodilla
“Farmacología clínica” impartido por el Centro Internacional de Investigación Clínica y Educación Media S.C.
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My internships or trainings

Hospital RotationMinimally Invasive Spine Surgery
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Herniated discs
Herniated lumbar disc
Lower back pain
Nerve compression
Artificial disc
Back pain
Degenerative disc disease
Degenerative disc disease (DDD)
Low back pain
Muscle contracture
Muscle Tears
Pain vertebral crush
Spinal cord injuries
Spinal stenosis
Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS)
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

President - Panamanian Association of Column Surgery
President - Panamanian Association of Spine Surgery - 2004- 2020

I am affiliated with:

North American Spine Society
Panamanian Association of Column Surgery (APCC)

I speak these languages:

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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Héctor Manuel Crooks Sarmiento

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