
My appointments

Harold Segura Quesada

Harold Segura Quesada


My license

  • MED7469 · Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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  • Torre Médica Momentum Pinares., Centro de Salud Mental y Bienestar, Atención Asertiva
    Sánchez, Curridabat, San José, Costa Rica
    Contiguo a Walmart Curridabat; 3rd Floor, Office 26 Office 26.
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192 patient reviews

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About me

I grew up without a doubt in what I consider the best family and social environment, this formed the moral and ethical foundations of what I am today, a constant balance to know where I am going without forgetting where I come from.
"Family comes first", it represents not only my direction and sense of life, but it is one of the fundamental pillars of my life. I discovered during my professional training that what is a passion will never be a job if not a pleasure, it is perhaps the closest thing to thinking about a pleasure for doing things.
I am a professional in the field of Mental Health, trained in Medicine and Surgery, a postgraduate degree in Psychiatry and a Master in Drug Addiction at the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain. I am a son, brother, partner, father and a family man. I consider myself a simple, respectful, empathetic, sincere, honest, persevering, dreamy, enterprising and studious person in business with the formula of winning winning. In the field of health, I work in the search for solutions in mental health, I work in innovation and technological projects in this field, backed by the best available evidence, I am passionate about creative thinking and I consider myself restless on the subject. I seek to develop linked projects in the search and continuous improvement of people in an integral way, in the same way to stimulate in people relationships win win between the parties, potentiate positive factors that allow actions to be sustained over time, naturally I found in cultural management projects, an opportunity to empower people in skills that finally become energizers of collaborative economies, impacting people's quality of life in an assertive way, from preventive to decisive.
I consider health prevention strategies one of the most appropriate therapeutic resources.
At this time I work collaboratively with projects of promotion, prevention of Life Skills and Well-being (Wellness), Mental Health, as well as the offer and inclusion of new technologies.
I firmly believe in the capacity for continuous improvement of people, I am passionate about teamwork and the synergistic effect it causes.
 I believe in people! I am convinced that we must protect that balance between the body and the mind as a maxim in health, through the best combination of proposals and intervention, becoming Assertive Care towards the human being. That is humanizing us.

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My studies

Masters in Psychological Research. Universitat de Barcelona. October 2010 - November 2012
Psychiatry Specialty. Universidad de Costa Rica - CENDEISSS. January 2009
Doctor and Surgery. Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE). January 2002

My internships or trainings

Postgraduate DegreeMasters Degree in Drug Dependency at Universidad de Barcelona, Spain
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Drug addiction
Medicine dependence
Panic attack
Disorders and behavioral changes
Hypochondria (health anxiety)
Identity disorder
Money addiction
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
Paranoid personality disorder
Personality disorder
Posttraumatic stress
Psychotic behavior
Religious addiction
Suicidal behavior
Technology addiction
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Assistant Specialist in Psychiatry and Master in Drug Dependence at Clinic of Addiction Treatment and Mental Health, since 2012
Psychiatrist and Coordinator of the Addiction Attention Program - Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social. San José, Costa Rica. 2014 - Present
Fundador de Atención Asertiva - Centro de salud mental -
Socio fundador de Proyecto Nova -
Founding partner of the pioneering company in electronic commerce (today - Project for the management and promotion of culturally and creatively based products, made in Costa Rica, through e-commerce. 2014
Clinical Director. Assertive Wellness House.
Fundador Fundacion Salud Asertiva Comunitaria

I speak these languages:

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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Harold Segura Quesada

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