
My appointments

Gabriel Guillermo Carvajal Valdy

Gabriel Guillermo Carvajal Valdy

Palliative Care Medicine in Adults

My license

  • MED10381 · Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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  • Infinitum Complejo Hospitalario
    Uruca, San José, San José, Costa Rica
    Costa Rica, Uruca, San José, Transversal 72, Jardines Autopista, esquina noreste del Hospital Mexico Floor 2.
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Epidural infiltrations
Implantation of intrathecal infusion systems
Implantation of vascular ports for continuous intravenous analgesia
Medial branch radiofrequency
Musculoskeletal infiltrations (ultrasound guided)
Radiofrequency of peripheral nerves (ultrasound guided)
Spinal cord stimulation through implantable systems
Stimulation of peripheral and field nerves using implantable systems
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8 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

I am an expert in the treatment of pain, particularly in patients with high complexity and suffering from pain secondary to cancer. I consider myself a professional scholar who has excelled in the field of pain treatment, always looking for the best results for my patients.

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My studies

Specialty in Palliative Medicine. Maestría en Aplicaciones Tecnológicas Avanzadas en Oncología Radioterápica. 2015
Master in Pain Treatment. Universidad de Salamanca. 2013

My courses

IV Cancer Pain Research Consortium, New Orleans, EEUU 2018
World Day for Palliative Care CHU Angers, Francia 2017
X European Federation of pain Congress 2017
13th World Congress of the International Neuromodulation Society 2017
IX SIMPAR-ISURA 2017, Italy 2017
VIII Days intrathecal analgesia in cancer pain, Center Paul Papin, Angers, Francia 2017
Journées de traitement de la douleur cancéreuse, NICE, Francia 2017
Second Annual Cancer Pain Research Consortium Conference: Multidisciplinary Cancer Pain Relief: From Evidence to Practice, Phoenix, EEUU 2016
Latin American Congress of Palliative Care - Medellín, Colombia 2014
Practical workshop neurostimulation and intradural analgesia - ClínicaMed, Cali, Colombia 2014
Regional Blockade - Menarini Scientific Area 2014
Symposium on interventionist management of oncological pain and Failed Back Syndrome - Meditek 2014
XIII Expert Pain Meeting - Universidad Salamanca, Spain 2013
Good Clinical Practice. CITI Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative. 2012
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My internships or trainings

Hospital RotationTraining in Neuromodulation - Hospital Foch, Paris, France, .. 2017
Hospital RotationPractical workshop neurostimulation and intradural analgesia, La Montaña Surgical Center, Puerto Rico 2016
Practical workshop neurostimulation and intradural analgesia, Clinica Med, Cali, Colombia, 2014
InternshipProfessional internship - University Hospital of Salamanca, Pain treatment unit. 2013
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Knee pain
Joint pain
Low back pain
Terminal illness
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Medical Specialist in Palliative Medicine - Pain Treatment and Palliative Care Clinic, William Allen Taylor Hospital. 2015
Licensed Professor - Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Costa Rica
Licensed interim professor, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Costa Rica. Pathophysiology I 2018 - to date
Specialist in Palliative Medicine, Comprehensive Center for Pain Treatment, Hospital Clínica Bíblica. 2018 to date

I am affiliated with:

International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)
Société française pour l´étude et le traitement de la Douleur

I speak these languages:


My publications

Carvajal, Gabriel, MD; Dupoiron, Denis, MD; Seegers, Valerie, MD†; Lebrec, Nathalie, MD; Boré, François, MD; Dubois, Pierre-Yves, MD; Leblanc, Damien, MD; Delorme, Thierry, MD; Jubier-Hamon, Sabrina, MD. Intrathecal Drug Delivery Systems for Refractory Pancreatic Cancer Pain: Observational Follow-up Study Over an 11-Year Period in a Comprehensive Cancer Center. Anesthesia & Analgesia: June 2018 - Volume 126 - Issue 6 - p 2038–2046
Carvajal-Valdy G, Dupoiron D. Intrathecal drug delivery system for medically refractory cancer pain treatment. Acta méd. costarric.(2018). 60(1) :51-55
Dupoiron D, Carvajal G. High resolution 3D-CT reconstruction as first-line imaging modality to detect intrathecal catheter malfunction. Neuromodulation (2017)
Carvajal G, Pardo J. Ultrasonido en el punto de atención en un escenario rural con recursos limitados. Revista Clínica de la Escuela de Medicina UCR – HSJD (2015); 5(5):62-71
Villalobos K, Carvajal G. Tratamiento del derrame pleural maligno con Dispositivo PleurX®: primer caso en Costa Rica. Revista Médica de la Universidad de Costa Rica. (2015);9(2):68-73
Carvajal G. Bloqueo infraclavicular Bilateral guiado por ultrasonido como técnica analgésica en un paciente con politrauma. Analgesis. (2015); 2(1).
Carvajal G, Umaña M. Bloqueo del nervio femoral guiado por ultrasonido como técnica analgésica en el servicio de emergencias. Trauma en Latinoamérica. (2015); 5(2)
Carvajal G. Eficacia clínica de los opioides tópicos en condiciones cutáneas periféricas. Revista de la Sociedad española del Dolor. (2015); 22(1):13-26
Ferrandino M, Carvajal G. Aplicaciones de la ultrasonografía en Medicina Paliativa. Revista centroamericana de Medicina Paliativa y tratamiento del Dolor (2014) 2(1) 25-30
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