
My appointments

Francisco Antonio Medina Mosley

Francisco Antonio Medina Mosley

Geriatrics and GerontologyInternal Medicine

My license

  • 99 · Hospital Nacional
  • 7303 · Technical Health Council of Panama
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Annual medical assessment
House visit
Online Medicine
Preoperative medical evaluation
Arterial pressure Holter monitoring
Assessment of functional status
Cognitive assessment
Comprehensive Evaluation of Older Adults
General medical check up
Preoperative assessment
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342 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

My greatest satisfaction as a physician is to have the opportunity to help people with difficult situations, such as health problems. In practicing medicine, I consider it extremely important to apply up-to-date scientific knowledge while at the same time attending to the person in a responsible and respectful manner. The fact that I have obtained two medical specialties (Internal Medicine and Geriatrics) gives me the opportunity to approach people by offering an additional value that results in an individualized, humanized assessment, diagnosis and treatment.

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My studies

Sub-specialty in Geriatrics and Gerontology. Caja de Seguro Social - Complejo Hospitalario Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid. 2014
Specialty in Internal Medicine. Caja de Seguro Social - Complejo Hospitalario Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid. 2012
Doctor of medicine and surgery. Universidad de Panamá - Facultad de Medicina. February 2001 - January 2007

My courses

Seminar - Workshop: Hospital Teaching. Central American Institute for Administration and Supervision of Education (ICASE) - University of Panama. May 2017
XXXVIII Scientific Congress of the ACP Chapter of Central America and X Congress of the Panamanian Society of Internal Medicine February 2017
II National Congress of Neurology - Panamanian Association of Neurology October 2016
LIII National Medical Day - Social Security Fund. September 2016
V Scientific Conference of the Hospital Irma de Lourdes Tzanetatos - Social Security Fund August 2016
XXXVII Scientific Conference of the ACP Central American Chapter and IX Congress of the Panamanian Society of Internal Medicine February 2016
LII National Medical Day - Social Security Fund September 2015
IV Scientific Conference of the Hospital Irma de Lourdes Tzanetatos - Social Security Fund August 2015
10th National Congress of Osteoporosis - Panamanian Osteoporosis Council July 2015
Seminar of the Senior Program - Social Security Fund June 2015
XXXVI Scientific Congress of the ACP Chapter of Central America and VIII Congress of the Panamanian Society of Internal Medicine "Dr. Rodolfo V. Young" February 2015
V National Congress of Geriatrics and Gerontology - Panamanian Association of Geriatrics October 2014
Advanced Cardiovascular Vital Support Course (ACLS) - Emegencias Panama June 2014
Basic Life Support Course (BLS) - Universidad Latina de Panamá May 2014
Course of Total Nutritional Therapy in Geriatrics - Latin American Academy of the Elderly May 2014
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My internships or trainings

Hospital RotationMemory Clinic - Raúl Blanco Cervantes Hospital. San Jose Costa Rica
Hospital RotationHospital De Día - Hospital Raúl Blanco Cervantes. San José, Costa Rica
Postgraduate DegreeSecond Year of Medical Internship - Hospital Cecilio Castillero
Postgraduate DegreeFirst Year of Medical Internship - Hospital Santo Tomás
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Alzheimer's disease
Functional impairment
Memory problems
Abnormal blood lipid count (dyslipidemia)
Arterial hypertension
Bladder problems
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Fecal incontinence (inability to control bowel movement)
Fractured hip
High blood pressure
Influenza (flu)
Metabolic syndrome
Pain vertebral crush
Stasis dermatitis and ulcers
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Specialist in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics - San Fernando Hospital Clinic. 2016 to date
Specialist in Internal Medicine and Geriatrics - National Hospital. 2015 to date
Ad Honorem Professor - Faculty of Medicine, University of Panama. 2016 to date
Head of Resident Physicians of Geriatrics - Hospital Complex Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid. 2013-2014

I am affiliated with:

American Geriatrics Society (AGS)
American College of Physicians (ACP)
Panamanian Association of Geriatrics
Latin American Academy of Medicine for Geriatric Patients

I speak these languages:


My publications

Libro: Manual Práctico de Geriatría y Gerontología; 2016. Autor del capìtulo: Hipotensión ortostática.
Septiembre 2015: Seminario: Salud Integral en las y los Profesionales Ante Nuevos Retos. Departamento Nacional de Docencia e Investigación - Caja de Seguro Social. Expositor del tema: “Autocuidado del Personal de Salud”
Junio 2015: Seminario para Fisioterapeutas del Programa de la Tercera Edad de la Caja de Seguro Social. Expositor del tema: Síndrome de fragilidad y sarcopenia.
Octubre 2014: V Congreso Nacional de Geriatría y Gerontología. Expositor en el Taller de Emergencias en Geriatría. Tema: Sepsis
Noviembre 2013: 50° Jornada Médica Nacional de la Caja de Seguro Social. Expositor en el Simposio de Geriatría. Tema: Polifarmacia y medicación potencialmente inapropiada en el adulto mayor.
Febrero 2010: XXXII Reunión de Centroamérica del American College of Physicians. Expositor de afiche
Ferro R, Medina F. Sepsis: Bases moleculares actuales. Rev Méd Cient, vol. 18, Número 2, 2005
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Francisco Antonio Medina Mosley

Seguros aceptados


Clínica Hospital San Fernando, Centro Especializado

BlueCross BlueShield

Pan-American Life - PALIG

Worldwide Medical