
My appointments

Daniela Campos Castro

Daniela Campos Castro


My license

  • 7932 · Professional College of Psychologists of Costa Rica
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Child raising counseling
Cognitive stimulation of the elderly
Divorce counseling
Grief counseling
Individual Therapy
Intelligence quotient (IQ) test
Online Medicine
Play therapy
Pre-Surgical Psychological Assessment
Psychoeducational assessment and curricular adjustments
Relaxation techniques
Vocational guidance evaluation
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17 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

In February 2012 I joined the College of Psychologists and in this same year I began my studies in the postgraduate degree in Clinical Master in Psychology at the University of Ibero-America (UNIBE). As part of my postgraduate training where I performed various rotations in class A hospitals in the country.

From November I started my private practice at the Hospital La Católica. He has now derived his private clinical practice to the Plaza Naos Medical Center, Heredia and Eva Clinic, San José.

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My studies

MSc in Clinical Psychology and Health. Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) - Facultad de Psicología - San José, Costa Rica. 2012 - 2014
MSc in Clinical Psychology and Health. Universidad de Iberoamerica (UNIBE). 2012 - 2014
Degree in Clinic Psychology. Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) - Facultad de Psicología - San José, Costa Rica. 2011
Bachelors in Psychology. Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) - Facultad de Psicología - San José, Costa Rica. 2010

My courses

Advanced Strategies to Optimize EMDR Therapy Work with Adolescents and Children - Mexican Association for Mental Help Crisis 2016
Autism Diagnosis Course ADOS-2 - Ministry of Education, Autism Training International 2016
Observation Scale for the Diagnostic of Autism (ADOS-2) - AMG Pediatric Developmental Center 2016
Integrative Group Protocol with EMDR Therapy - Mexican Association for Mental Help in Crisis 2016
Basic training in EMDR - EMDR-Iberoamérica 2015
DSM-5 Training: Contributions and update - Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), School of Psychology. San Jose, Costa Rica 2015
Psychological Approach to Anxiety Disorders - Behavioral Institute of Costa Rica 2014
Course Crisis intervention in situations of sexual abuse - Ser y Crecer Foundation 2014
Course of instruments for the interview, assessment and therapeutic process of sexual abuse - Ser y Crecer Foundation 2014
Seminar on Play therapy with children and adolescents - National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) 2014
Refresher seminar: Play Therapy - Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), School of Psychology. San Jose Costa Rica 2012
Course: Basics of Psychopharmacology - Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), School of Psychology. San Jose Costa Rica 2012
Free Course: Early Learning, Child Development and Nutrition - Universidad Santa Paula 2012
Conference about the experiences of psychoterapists specialists in suicide: the self-handling of the blame for the survivors - Professional Psychologists Association of Costa Rica 2012
Workshop and update on the prevention of depression and suicide - Costa Rican Psychiatric Association (ASOCOPSI) 2012
Psychotherapeutic workshop with Suicidal Patients in Crisis - Professional Association of Psychologists of Costa Rica 2012
Seminar-Workshop on Comprehensive Treatment of Insomnia in Adults - Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE), School of Psychology. San Jose Costa Rica 2012
Training for the Multiphasic Inventory of Personality for adults from Minnesota MMPI-II 2011
Training of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, fourth edition WISC-IV 2011
Bibliotherapy Workshop: How to help children solve their conflicts through children's storybooks? - PSYCOEDUCA 2011
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Panic attack
Posttraumatic stress
Anxious or excessive eating
Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Chronic depression (dysthymia)
Chronic stress
Drug abuse
Enuresis (inability to control urination)
Learning disability
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Pediatric psychology
Poor school performance
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

1st Rotation: psychodiagnostic reports and group therapy - Hospital Mexico, Costa Rican Social Security. 2013-2014
2nd Rotation: Psychodiagnostics reports, psychotherapy and group therapy - National Children's Hospital, Costa Rican Social Security. 2013-2014
3rd Rotation: psychodiagnostic and psychotherapy reports - National Hospital of Geriatrics and Gerontology, Costa Rican Social Security. 2013-2014
In charge of psychodiagnostic evaluation to preschool teachers, assistants and children - SUNEM Foundation. 2012-2014

I speak these languages:


My awards

2015 Certificate of completion - EMDR Institute
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Daniela Campos Castro

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