
My appointments

Catalina Araya Sancho

Catalina Araya Sancho

Cosmetic dermatologyDermatological SurgeryDermatology

My license

  • MED11967 · Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Alopecia Studies
Anti aging care
Application of Butolinic Toxin
Botox Review
Capillaries on Legs
CO2 laser
Cutaneous biopsy
Enzyme Placement
Enzyme review
Evaluation of freckles
Face or neck cutaneous tumor removal
Facial cleansing
Facial wrinkle fillers with hyaluronic acid
Follow-up visit
Hair exam
Laser resurfacing
Lipoma Surgery
Lobe Surgery
Mohs skin
Mole and skin lesion evaluation
Mole removal
Molluscum contagiosum (MC), acrochordon, or ruby point removal
Mucus biopsy
Nail exam
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
Simple cutaneous tumor surgery with biopsy
Skin Cancer Follow-Up
Skin cancer regulated surgery
Skin check
Skin Check
Skin surgery
Treatment for hyperhidrosis
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936 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

Since I was little I grew up among doctors, surgery and anatomy books. As I grew up, I confirmed with all my heart that I wanted to be a doctor and that I had to work hard to achieve it. With the passing of the years I realized that I had not made a mistake in choosing this profession, that I was born for this and that is what my life is passionate about. It has been an extensive but very valuable journey for each lived experience, such as when I took my specialty abroad for 3 and a half years focused on dermatology day and night, investigating different skin pathologies, learning innovative treatments and applying alternative solutions. I learned a lot of things that I put into practice today to provide the best care to my patients.

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My studies

Specialty in Dermatology and Skin Surgery. Universidad Francisco Marroquín - Instituto de Dermatología y Cirugía de Piel INDERMA. May 2015 - October 2018
Doctorate in Medicine and General Surgery. Escuela Aútonoma de Ciencias Médicas (Actual UCIMED).. March 2013
Baccalaureate and Bachelor of General Medicine. Escuela Aútonoma de Ciencias Médicas (Actual UCIMED).. March 2013

My courses

Fundamentals in Facial Injection Anatomy with Dr. Swift and Professor Cotofana. Miami, Florida, USA. March 2021
•39th ASMLS Annual Conference on Energy-Base Medicine & Science. Denver, Estados Unidos. March 2019
•IX Simposio Internacional CILAD, XXXVII Congreso Nacional de Dermatología. El Salvador. April 2018
•30 Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe de Dermatología. Antigua, Guatemala. November 2017
•XIX Congreso Nacional de Dermatología “Los Retos de la Dermatología de Hoy”, Guatemala. November 2016
•XIth World Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology Certificate of Attendance, Panama. June 2016
•VII Simposio Internacional CILAD, XXXV Congreso Nacional de Dermatología, El Salvador. April 2016
Taller Hilos de sustentación Silhouette, El Salvador. April 2016
Taller Materiales de relleno Belotero, El Salvador. April 2016
Taller Toxina botulínica y material de relleno, El Salvador. April 2016
•XVIII Congreso Nacional de Dermatología “La Piel Con Un Enfoque Multidisciplinario”, Guatemala. November 2014
Taller de Peeling “Los peeling MEDIDERMA nanosomados y la nanotecnología”, Guatemala. November 2014
III Congreso Guatemalteco y I Congreso Centroamericano de Medicina Estética y Anti Aging, Guatemala. September 2014
•XXVI Congreso Mexicano de Dermatología, Cuidad de León, Guanajuato, México. August 2014
Aplicación de la Toxina Botulínica en Medicina Estética, Centro Universitario Incarnate Word, México D.F. August 2014
•XXVIII Congreso Centroamericano y del Caribe de Dermatología, Panamá. November 2013
Curso Plasma Rico en Factores de Crecimiento Plaquetario para tratamientos Médicos Estéticos y Regenerativos, ClinikRenova, Colombia. September 2013
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My internships or trainings

InternshipPasantía con el Dr. Francisco Pérez Atamoros, en Centro Dermatológico Tennyson, México. Dermatólogo de Alto Nivel con más de 35 años de experiencia en Dermatología Cosmética Toxina Botulínica, Rellenos Faciales, Hilos de Soporte, Láser, Radiofrecuencia y Ultrasonido, y Trasplante de Pelo.
InternshipPasantía de 10 meses en Láser y cosmética en la Clínica Tabush Dermatología. Manejo con láser de: cicatrices, lesiones vasculares, rejuvenecimiento facial, melasma, hiperpigmentación posinflamatoria, cicatrices de acné, estrías, carcinoma basocelular, entre otros. 
Cirugía menor, control de paciente dermatológico agudo, sudagudo y crónico. Aplicación de Toxina Botulinica, Rellenos y Peelings.
Manejo de Láser CO2 Deka, DISCOVERY PICO Quanta System (láser
Nd Yag y Rubi en Picosegundos), PICOSURE Cynosure (Alexandrita en Picosegundos), CYNERGY Cynosure (Pulsed Dye 585nm y Nd:YAG 1064nm en ondas de alta potencia), ICON Cynosure Palomar (1540 y 2940), LASEMD Lutronic (Thulium Fraccional), INFINI Lutronic (radiofrecuencia con microagujas), M22 Lumenis (IPL). JPlasma (Láser de plasma).
Internship•Servicio de Alergología y Dermatología, Hospital México, Costa Rica. Febrero
Diploma DegreeFundamentals in Facial Injection Anatomy with Dr. Swift and Professor Cotofana, Miami, Florida, USA.
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Skin cancer
Skin spots
Atopical dermatitis
Expression lines
Facial flaccidity
Itchy skin
Lipoma (benign fatty tumor)
Nail fungus
Sagging eyelid
Scalp itch (tinea capitis)
Scarred skin
Seborrheic dermatitis (cradle cap)
Skin allergy
Skin fungus
Skin irritation (rash)
Skin mole
Skin outbreaks
Stretch marks
under-eye circles
Vitiligo (white patched on skin)
Yellow spots on eyes
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Catalina Araya Sancho

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