
My appointments

Carolina Sánchez Orantes

Carolina Sánchez Orantes

Physical Therapy

My license

  • TF2984 · College of Therapists of Costa Rica
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
Deep oscillation therapy
Oncology rehabilitation
Physical therapy and lymphatic drainage consultation
physical therapy consultation
Therapeutic Exercise (conditioning ranges of joint mobility, muscle strengthening, balance and coordination work).
General Inquiry
Sports Injury Prevention Program
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117 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

Helping people to recover their functionality and independence, being increasingly autonomous in their rehabilitation is one of the most satisfying things about being a physiotherapist.
Rehabilitation in athletes leads you to be more and more empathetic of the individual efforts of athletes until we even become part of their successes and medals.

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My studies

Baccalaureate and Bachelor of Physical Therapy. Universidad de Costa Rica. March 2013 - March 2018

My courses

FisioForm, Neuromodulación a través de guías anatómicas. Nivel básico 2021 - 2021
FisioForm, Electropunción aplicada a la patología clínica 2021 - 2021
ACUKIFI, Punción seca de los Puntos Gatillo Miofasciales. Nivel 1 2019 - 2019
Jornada de actualización: Efectos de la Movilización articular con Terapia Manual. USP. 2017 - 2017
Participación como expositora en el VI congreso Internacional de Preparación Física y el VI Simposio Internacional de Medicina del Deporte 2017 - 2017
FisioFormación, Anatomía Palpatoria y Diagnóstico Clínico en Fisioterapia 2017 - 2017
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Difficulty moving
Injuries to the muscles of the arm, hand, foot
Sciatic nerve pain
Spinal cord injuries
Traumatology and orthopedics
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Facial paralysis
Fractured bone
Fractured fingers
Fractured hip
Fractured leg
Fractured wrist
Hip pain
injuries muscle skeletal and bony
Joint pain
Leg pain
Ligament sprains knee and ankle
Meniscus problems
Muscle contracture
Muscle Tears
Neck pain, shoulder and hips
Nerve compression
Nerve wounds
Quervain Tendinitis
Spinal cord joint inflammation (ankylosing spondylitis)
Sports injuries
Sports injuries
Stretched ligaments
Supraspinatus lesions
Trauma rotator cuff
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Carolina Sánchez Orantes

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