
My appointments

Carolina Celada Ramón

Carolina Celada Ramón


My license

  • 11595 · Professional College of Psychologists of Costa Rica
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Emotional support
Guide to the life project
Online Medicine
General Inquiry
Child raising counseling
Coaching Conductual
Conflict management
Couples therapy
Crisis intervention for victims of violence
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Divorce counseling
Family therapy
Female Empowerment
Grief counseling
Individual Therapy
Mental suitability for accompaniment with support animals
Neuropsychological assessment
Psychoeducational assessment and curricular adjustments
Psychometric test
Vocational guidance evaluation
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45 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

I provide in-person and online consultation. I am passionate about Psychology, and on my Facebook and Instagram accounts @PsicologaCarolinaCelada I share information about mental health as reflective topics.

I focus my query under the slogan "FROM WORDS, TO ACTION", with the aim of providing the patient beyond an accompaniment, in the search for real results beyond words with tools and solutions for their particular case.

I carry out the practice of Psychology from a Clinical approach and a Cognitive-Behavioral approach, although I complement with different approaches to Psychology, depending on each case. Remembering that every human being is different.

I am a lawyer with expertise in bullying. I am certified as a Mediator-Conciliator, as in Positive Discipline in Family and Early Childhood. I have a Diploma as an expert in ADHD.

I am currently taking different courses in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) or Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, as in Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) or Emotion-Focused Therapy.

Likewise, I am a lecturer and writer of the book "El Cyberbullying" as well as other texts and creator of various materials. In addition, I give talks, workshops, and trainings on different topics, and I usually collaborate with different communication media on media such as social networks, television and radio.

I am passionate about Psychology, and on my Facebook and Instagram page @PsicologaCarolinaCelada I share information about mental health as reflective topics.

I was the founder of my own Center for Attention to Bullying (Private Center for Attention to Bullying) and I have collaborated for more than 5 years with Stop Bullying Costa Rica.

In addition, I love knowing new places where I can appreciate beautiful and new landscapes, music, physical activity and issues related to self-love.

I offer:
* Individual Therapy (1 hour) - Medismart, Palig and private patient apply
* Couple Therapy (2 hours) - Applies Medismart, Palig and private patient
* Family Therapy -Small- (2 hours) - Applies Medismart, Palig and private patient
* Group Therapy -Small - (2 hours)

Reasons for consultation: Self-esteem, Anxiety, Bullying, Depression, Detachment, Social Skills, Projection and Personal Image, Body Image related to surgical-aesthetic and reconstructive procedures, Empowerment, Reconstruction of Life Project, Personality Disorders -various-, Grief, Breakups, Stress, Eating Disorders, Crisis, among others.

PRESENTIAL APPOINTMENTS: in a Covid situation, the patient is asked for a mask.

ONLINE THERAPY: Appointments at 4040-0034. Immediate payment method under electronic transfer.

For appointments you have 5 options: 4040-0034 (direct secretaries) / 2521-9595 / 4035-1212 / 2528-5400 / Huli Agenda on Google or Medismart App.

In case of not being able to attend your appointment, please notify 24-48 hours in advance.

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My studies

Degree in Psychology with emphasis in Clinic. Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, Facultad Ciencias de la Salud. Laureate International Universities. 2019

My courses

Detección y Abordaje del Narcisismo en la Clínica- IC-TP Instituto Costarricense de Trastornos de Personalidad- Mayo 2021 May 2021
Tratamiento del Trauma y la Desregulación Emocional en DBT -Dialectical Behavorial Therapy (DBT) Latinoamerica November 2020
Manejo de Autolesiones y Riesgo Suicida -Asociación Costarricense de Psicotrauma (ACOTRAUMA) November 2020
Manejo del Trauma Post Covid - Asociación Costarricense de Psicotrauma (ACOTRAUMA) November 2020
Workshop "Suicide Protocol" - Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Latin America October 2020
Duelo Melancolía y Trauma Psicológico / Colegio de Psicólogos de Costa Rica October 2020
Body Image Program / Body Image by the Eating Disorders and Obesity Care Center CATAO June 2020
Clinical Approach to Suicidal Behavior October 2019
Déficit Atencional: Estrategias de Intervención Educativas desde la Disciplina Positiva - Centro Psicopedagógico de Intervención a la Diversidad Educativa (CELA) y Disciplina Positiva Costa Rica May 2019
Infectious Waste Management and Aseptic Techniques - CENET August 2018
Bullying: a Reality that Hits- D´familia and Focus on the Family (Declared of Educational Interest by the Ministry of Public Education) October 2013
X International Educational Conference on Criminalistics-Euro-American Institute of Criminal and Forensic Sciences (INECCRIF) 2012
HIGH TO MATONISM! Second Academic Meeting Omar Dengo Foundation
Criminal Policy and Crime Theory
International Congress of Medical Law and Legal Medicine.
III International Course on Body Damage Assessment - Latin American Association of Medical Law and Medical Law Association of CR
Ibero-American Video Cycle conferences on Family Protection through the Jurisdictional Process
The New Procedural Vision of D.Familia - Supreme Court of Justice
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My internships or trainings

Technician DegreeForensic Science Technician
Activación Conductual - Dialectical Behavorial Therapy (DBT) Latinoamerica
Externship en Terapia Focalizada en las Emociones (TFE) o Emotionally Focused Therapy impartido por el Dr.Sam Jinich e ICEFT, TFE CR
Certificación Internacional en Disciplina Positiva para Primera Infancia- Positive Discipline Association
International Certification in Positive Discipline for Parents (Certified Parent Educator) - Positive Discipline Association
Reanimación Cardiopulmonar (CPR)
Mediación, Conciliación y Prácticas Restaurativas- Fundación para que Aprendamos a Resolver Conflictos Pacíficamente CR
Entrenamiento en Habilidades DBT para Terapeutas -Dialectical Behavioral Theraphy Latino America 2021
Entrenamiento en Terapia Dialéctico Conductual para Tratar Abuso de Sustancias" (DBT-SUD) --Dialectical Behavorial Therapy (DBT) Latinoamerica.Enero 2021
Entrenamiento Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) en la Terapia Dialéctico Conductual -Dialectical Behavorial Therapy (DBT) Latinoamerica / International Association for Dialectical Behavior Therapy Mayo 2021
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Emotional crisis
Personality disorder
Suicidal behavior
Amphetamines or barbiturates usage
Antisocial personality
Anxious or excessive eating
Binge Eating Disorder
Chronic depression (dysthymia)
Chronic fatigue
Chronic stress
Codependent relationships
Couple conflict
Difficulty adapting
Drug abuse
Emergency psychology
Enuresis (inability to control urination)
Fear of school
Hostile behavior
Hypochondria (health anxiety)
Identity disorder
Lost of interest in working
Maternal deprivation syndrome (childhood neglection)
Morbid obesity
Narcistic behavior
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
Panic attack
Parent and child therapy
Poor school performance
Posttraumatic stress
Psychological Trauma
Psychotic behavior
Rebel child against parents
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Sexual apathy
Sexual aversion
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Keynote speaker at several National Congresses
Miembro ICEEFT (International Centre For Exellence For Emotionally Focused Therapy)
Miembro de Paz Sin Poses (Psicología Basada en Evidencia)

I speak these languages:


My awards

2016 President Association of Psychology Students Universidad Latina de Costa Rica (2016-2018)
2010 Kaplan International Colleges , Cambridge. UK. Student of the Month August 2010 due TALKS

My publications

Libro “ El Cyberbullying: Una Nueva Forma de Delincuencia Informática” (2015, Editorial Publitex)
The Style Room "Autoestima e Imagen" (2015)
Ponente I er Foro Nacional contra el Bullying del Instituto Educativo Moderno - 2015 . Club Unión.
Ponente III Congreso Internacional de Mobbing y Bullying 2015. San José, Costa Rica.
Ponente Festival Antibullying - Centro Educativo San Gerardo 2013
Ponente - Semana de Coloquios para la Promoción Académica y de la Investigación Universitaria- Universidad Católica de Costa Rica- 2015.
Ponente - "Classroom Management, Bullying and Teacher Practices.- ULACIT ,2017
Ponente "Cine Foro: 13 Reasons Why" . ULATINA 2017
Ponente "I Jornada Nacional Contra el Bullying" - Colegio Profesional de Psicólogos de Costa Rica- 2018
Ponente I Foro "Más Allá del Silencio" -UNIBE -2019
Ponente en distintas Charlas, conferencias en diferentes escuelas e instituciones del país
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Carolina Celada Ramón

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