
My appointments

Carlos Enrique Pereira Vargas

Carlos Enrique Pereira Vargas


My license

  • AU006 · College of Therapists of Costa Rica
  • PAF4558 · Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
  • 488582 · Conservacionista Certificado de Audiencia Ocupacional
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  • Centro Audición, Nunciatura
    Mata Redonda, San José, San José, Costa Rica
    From the American Embassy 100m north and 150m east, Calle 94, Ave 15A, Rohrmoser
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Clinical Audiometry
Placement of hearing aid
Tinnitus Therapy
Audiometry + Impedance
Audiometry Adults
Brainstem auditory evoked potential evaluation (BEAP)
Children audiometry
Cochlear implant
Cochlear implant
Custom molded ear plugs
Fitting of hearing aids
Follow-up audiometry
Hearing aid repair
Hearing aids
Hearing rehabilitation
Hearing screening
Infant tympanometry
Monitoring headphones
Online Medicine
Otoacoustic emissions
Prescription for hearing aid
Programming cochlear implants
Real ear measurements
School children audiometry
sound therapy
Tests of Eustachian Tube Function
Vestibular potentials
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Veracity check

Veracity check

All the ratings here are reviewed by our team to ensure they are real patients. People who leave their rating anonymously are also verified by our team to ensure that they did attend the appointment with this healthcare professional.


41 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

Throughout my career I have seen thousands of people improve their lives. Contributing to this process is my incentive and ensuring the quality of our services and our teams towards delivering an excellent result for each patient is my priority.

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My studies

Master's degree Audiology. Universidad Santa Paula. 2011
Bachelor of Audiology. Universidad Autónoma de Centroamérica. 1999
Diploma in Audiology. Universidad de Costa Rica. 1991

My courses

Course of handling and programming of hearing aids with Artificial Intelligence and Livio AI Teleaudiology August 2019 - August 2019
Advanced theoretical and practical course in Objective Audiology. Costa Rica July 2019 - July 2019
Course on Management and Removal of Earwax for Audiology December 2018 - December 2018
Theoretical-practical postgraduate training course in Advanced Objective Audiology November 2016 - November 2016
Course on Good Clinical Practices May 2016 - May 2016
Certification as an Occupational Hearing Conservationist November 2015 - November 2015
Course of scientific research applied to health May 2015 - July 2015
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My internships or trainings

Occupational Hearing Conservationist Certification, COHC
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Hearing loss
Hearing Problems
Hearing Prothesis (Hearing Aids)
Hearing Hypersensitivity
Hearing loss
Sudden deafness
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Former Director Audiology University Santa Paula
University Professor of Audiology Universidad Santa Paula
Member of the Hearing Health Commission of the Ministry of Health
Member of the Committee of Physical Metrology of the Institute of Technical Standards of Costa Rica
Miembro del foro Mundial de Audición 2019. Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS)
Founding Member of the College of Therapists of Costa Rica
President of the Elections Tribunal of the College of Therapists of Costa Rica
Vice President of the Costa Rican Audiology Association ACOA
Collaborator in the design of the Cochlear Implant Program in Costa Rica (Hospital México - C.C.S.S.)
Collaborator in the design of the Audiology Career, Baccalaureate UACA (Colegio Santa Paula)
Design collaborator of the Master's Degree in Audiology, Universidad Santa Paula
Ideologist and collaborator of the design of the Bachelor of Audiology with three emphases, Universidad Santa Paula
Co-creator of Bill No. 20,569 "Timely detection of hearing problems in the elderly"

I am affiliated with:

American Audiology Academy
Spanish Association of Audiology
Academy of Doctors of Audiology
International Hearing Society
Costa Rican Audiology Association

I speak these languages:


My awards

2018 Most influential Professor of the Baccalaureate in Audiology Distinction. Santa Paula University, 2018, 2019
2014 Public recognition for active and intellectual collaboration. College of Therapists of Costa Rica

My publications

Expositor y organizador de la Segunda Jornada Nacional de Audiología, Colegio de Terapeutas de Costa Rica, 2019
Expositor y organizador de la Primera Jornada Nacional de Audiología, Colegio de Terapeutas de Costa Rica, 2017
Expositor Primer Congreso Nacional del Colegio de Terapeutas de Costa Rica, 2018
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Carlos Enrique Pereira Vargas

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