
My appointments

Annette Vallejo Serrano

Annette Vallejo Serrano

Gynecology-ObstetricsMaternal Fetal MedicineReproductive Endocrinological/Infertal Gynecology & Obstetrics

My license

  • MED6847 ยท Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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  • Hospital Internacional La Católica., Consultorio Dra. Annette Vallejo Serrano
    Calle Blancos, Goicoechea, San José, Costa Rica
    San Antonio de Guadalupe, Goicoechea, in front of the Courts of Justice; Sectro 5, 2nd Floor, Office 3 Building Sector 5. Floor 2. Office 3.
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
Four dimensional (4D) ultrasound
Gynecologic control
Obstetric Ultrasound
Prenatal care
Tranvaginal echography
General Inquiry
Bartholin gland abscess drainage
Breast exam
Breast node surgery
Cervical cerclage
Cervical, vaginal or vulvar polyp removal
Cervix biopsy
Copper T placement (Device included)
Early amniocentesis (younger than 20 weeks)
Endometrial biopsy
Fetal monitoring
Gynecological ultrasound
HPV vaccine
Human papillomavirus (HPV) exam
Implanon Application
In vitro preparation
Intrauterine inseminations
IUD removal procedure
Labor control and care
Laminaria placement
Laparoscopic ectopic gestation
Laparoscopic tube ligation surgery
Laparotomic tube ligation surgery
Late amniocentesis (older than 20 weeks)
Multiple birth
Multiple C-section (more than one baby)
Pap monolayer
Pelvic endometriosis laparoscopy
Pelvic inflammatory disease laparoscopic treatment
Posterior Colpoperineorrafia
Postpartum salpingectomy
Pregnancy Complications
Previous colpoperineorrafia
Salpingectomy transcesarean
Single C-section (one baby)
Uterine dilation and curettage
Uterine neck cerclage removal
Uterine prolapse surgery
Vaginal foreign growth removal
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Vulva biopsy
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224 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

Women are very special people from every point of view and the ability God gave us to be mothers and bring children into the world makes us privileged, my specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology and my subspecialties in Maternal and Fetal Medicine and Reproductive Endocrinological/Infertal Medicine allow me to assess women in all its aspects and needs, in addition to being part of the whole process from the desire to have children, to have her child in her arms. I take pride every day in dealing with women and to contribute to their welfare

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My studies

Specialty in Maternal Fetal Medicine. Universidad de Costa Rica - CENDEISSS. February 2007 - January 2009
Specialty in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Universidad de Costa Rica - CENDEISSS. February 2004 - January 2007
Doctorate in Medicine and General Surgery. Escuela Aútonoma de Ciencias Médicas (Actual UCIMED).. January 1997 - December 2001

My courses

Coordinator - Symposium on Hypertension and Pregnancy Central XXVIII Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics FECASOG 2012 and XIV National Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2012
Symposium Coordinator Obstetrics . XIII National Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. San Jose, Costa Rica 2011
Society for Maternal Fetal Medicine. SMFM 31st Annual Meeting - The Pregnancy Meeting. San Francisco, CA. USA 2011
Training Meeting International Service provider in Latin MFLS - Maternal Fetal Life Support - Basic. Bogota, Colombia 2011
Coordinator General XII Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. AOGCR, San Jose, Costa Rica. 2010
Preconference Coordinator Operative Vaginal Delivery. AOGCR . San Jose, Costa Rica 2010
Theoretical Course Obstetric Practical Workshop. Latin University of Panama, School of Health Sciences Dr. William C. Gorgas. Panama City. 2010
Symposium Coordinator Obstetrics. XI Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. AOGCR. San Jose, Costa Rica 2009
Symposium Coordinator Obstetrics . X National Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology. AOGCR . San Jose, Costa Rica 2008
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Fetal malformation
High-risk pregnancy
Recurrent miscarriage
Yeast infection
Abnormal fetal position
Abnormal Pap smear
Baby chromosomal (DNA) problems
Birth control pills
Bladder problems
Breast cancer
Breast pain
Burning during urinating
Burning sexual intercourse
Cervical cancer
Cervical dysplasia
Congenital problems of the baby
Ectopic pregnancy (eccysis)
Endometrial cancer
Endometrial hyperdysplasia
Fallopian tube cancer
Fetal abnormality
Fibroma (benign connective tissue tumor)
Gestational diabetes
Hormonal disorder
Hot flash
Hot flashes Menopause
Mammary duct ectasia
Missed menstrual period
Myoma (benign muscle tumor)
Ovarian abscess
Ovarian cancer
Ovarian cyst
Ovarian mass growth
Pain during sex
Pelvic and perineal pain
Pelvic floor weakness
Perinuem cancer
Period pain
Placenta previa
Polycystic ovary
Pregnancy complications/problems
Pregnant woman seizures (eclampsia)
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Small bowel prolapse surgery
Uncontrolled menstruation
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Uterine bleeding
Uterus cancer
Vaginal bleeding
Vaginal burning
Vaginal cancer
Vaginal discharge
Vaginal itching
Vaginal thrush
Vomiting during pregnancy
Vulvar cancer
Zuska disease
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Graduate Academic Coordinator of Maternal-Fetal Medicine . CENDEISSS -UCR . San José , Costa Rica . 2011 - 2013
Course Instructor MFLS - Maternal Fetal Life Support - Basic. San José, Costa Rica. 2011
Medical Assistant Specialist in Maternal Fetal Medicine Department of Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit - Dr. Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia Hospital. 2009 - present
Current President of the Costa Rican Association of Maternal Fetal Medicine ACOMMFE (Period 2016-2018)

I am affiliated with:

Costa Rican Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AOG)
Costa Rican Association for Human Reproduction (ACOREH)

I speak these languages:


My publications

Expositora en el XXVIII Congreso Centroamericano de Ginecología y Obstetricia FECASOG 2012 y XIV Congreso Nacional de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Simposio AGOG. AOGCR
Expositora LXXII Congreso Médico Nacional 2010, II Congreso Médico Social de la CONFEMEL, II Congreso Médico de Centroamérica y El Caribe. 2010
Profesora XIII Pre Congreso Nacional de Obstetricia y Ginecología, 2011. AOGCR. San José, Costa Rica.
Expositora Jornada Hablemos de Menopausia y Osteoporosis 2010. Asociación Costarricense de Climaterio, Menopausia y Osteoporosis.
Expositora XXI Jornadas Ciencias de la Salud. Hospital San Carlos. Asociación Médica de la Zona Norte. Ciudad Quesada 2010
Conferencista XI Congreso Nacional de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2009. AOGCR
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Annette Vallejo Serrano

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