
My appointments

Alfonso Lozada Díaz

Alfonso Lozada Díaz

Neurological Surgery

My license

  • MED6711 · Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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    Merced, San José, San José, Costa Rica
    Esquina Noreste del Edificio Centro Colón, 50 metros al norte (Calle 38, avenida 3 y 5). Local comercial con ventanales, contiguo a Funerales Vida. Office 10.

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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
Online Medicine
General Inquiry
Cervical fusion
Cervical spine fracture surgery
Emergency care
Instrumented Cervical and Lumbar Spine Surgery
Lumbar Spine Surgery
Minimmaly invasive vertebral column surgery
Posterior fossa surgery
Skull base surgery
Surgery for dorsolumbar spine fracture with spinal cord injury
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397 patient reviews

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About me

I studied Medicine and then specialized in neurosurgery, this allows me to offer services in diagnosis and treatment in diseases of the brain and spine. My practice focuses on learning and performing surgery of lumbar disc herniations, Instrumentation of Cervical and Lumbar Spine, through different techniques adapted to each individual patient. Within these techniques minimally invasive surgery, endoscopic surgery and open surgery are included

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My studies

Specialty in Neurosurgery (Spine and Brain Surgery). Universidad de Costa Rica. March 2001

My courses

VIII Advanced Course in Endoscopic Lumbar Spine Surgery December 2014 - December 2014
VII Advanced Course of Endoscopic Surgery and Lumbar Spinal Instrumentation - Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación y Entrenamiento en Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva CLEMI. Bogotá, Colombia January 2014
VI Advanced Course of Endoscopic Surgery and Instrumentation in Lumbar Spine - Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación y Entrenamiento en Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva CLEMI. Bogotá, Colombia December 2013
IV Advanced Course of Endoscopic Surgery in Lumbar Spine - Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación y Entrenamiento en Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva CLEMI. Bogotá, Colombia February 2012
II Advanced Course of Minimally Invasive Lumbar Spine Surgery - Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación y Entrenamiento en Cirugía Mínimamente Invasiva CLEMI. Bogotá, Colombia January 2011
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Herniated discs
Herniated lumbar disc
Sciatic nerve pain
Spinal cord injuries
Spinal stenosis
Bleeding and stroke
Brain tumor
Craniocervical junction abnormalities
Degenerative disc disease (DDD)
Lumbar spinal stenosis (narrow channel)
Neck pain, shoulder and hips
Nerve damage
Nerve wounds
Pinched nerve
Spinal column tumor
Spinal cord injury
Thoracic disc herniation
Trauma and skull fracture
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Director of the Spine Clinic, Hospital San Juan de Dios

I am affiliated with:

Costa Rican Association of Neurosurgery

I speak these languages:

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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Alfonso Lozada Díaz

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Pan-American Life - PALIG