
My appointments

Adriana Sánchez Ramírez

Adriana Sánchez Ramírez

Gynecologic OncologyGynecology-Obstetrics

My license

  • MED6974 · Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Bartholin gland abscess drainage
Bartholin's gland extirpation
Breast biopsy
Breast exam
Breast node surgery
Cervical cerclage
Cervical, vaginal or vulvar polyp removal
Cervix biopsy
Cesarean postpartum hysterectomy
Endometrial biopsy
Gynecologic control
Gynecological ultrasound
HPV vaccine
Human papillomavirus (HPV) exam
IUD removal procedure
Labor control and care
Natural birth attention
Obstetric Ultrasound
Pelvic endometriosis laparoscopy
Pelvic exam
Prenatal care
Single C-section (one baby)
Tranvaginal echography
Uterine neck cerclage removal
Uterine prolapse surgery
Vaginal exam
Vaginal foreign growth removal
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Vaginal, juxta, or paracervical cyst removal
Vulva benign tumor removal
Vulva biopsy
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491 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

To my middle age 15 years of practicing, 13 years of being a gynecologist and 8 years of medical and surgical oncology, I had the opportunity to witness life and death, the joy and victory triumphs over terrible diseases, the healing of body and mind, disillusionment and defeat of failed treatment. I have sometimes thought that I have seen everything but the truth is that in this profession, even more in this life every day you learn something new, each and every patient and their families have a different world behind them. There is none like the other. I leave his short review about me with that thought and also with the idea that whatever direction the course of a life is to see it in the most positive way, give the best possible relief, offer the best that can be grant. Thanks to you, my patients, I am a better person because they taught me to see life with humility. Thanks to those who are no longer here because they change every perspective of life making every day a profit. Thanks to new lives because they are the dawn of the morning and the light of each day.


About 37 years ago I was born in San José, a family with a lot of love where my father, a doctor by profession and my mother, microbiologist gave me the example of many years of hard work, perseverance and academic excellence.

During my career, when I studied the subject of Gynecology and Obstetrics, I fell in love with this specialty of contrasts, where there is clinic, technology, surgery, consultation, hospitalization and so much more life, lots of life and this made me choose this path.

My professional work is one of paradox where I see both, life and death. Gynecology Oncology is a very rewarding area where people's lives can be saved, and in those where this is not possible, these women can be offered quality of life, palliative care and support for their families. On the other hand, Obstetrics is that branch of gynecology that gives life, which gives light and being able to assist in the birth of a human being is one of the most noble and emotional acts; So I feel blessed by God to be able to carry out this work.

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My studies

Specialty in Oncology. Universidad de Costa Rica. January 2013
Specialty in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Universidad de Costa Rica. January 2003
Doctor and Surgery. Universidad de Costa Rica. January 2001

My courses

Certificate of Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), USA

My internships or trainings

Hospital RotationInternal Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital - West Roxbury, Massachusetts USA
Hospital RotationInternal Medicine at the Primary Care Clinic of Tulane Medical Center, Charity Hospital. New Orleans, USA
Health Management DegreeUniversidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Breast cancer
Ovarian mass growth
Polycystic ovary
Uncontrolled menstruation
Abnormal fetal position
Abnormal Pap smear
Birth control pills
Bladder problems
Breast pain
Burning sexual intercourse
Cervical dysplasia
Ectopic pregnancy (eccysis)
Endometrial hyperdysplasia
Fallen bladder (cystocele)
Fibroma (benign connective tissue tumor)
Gestational diabetes
Hormonal disorder
Hot flash
Hot flashes Menopause
Intrauterine growth restriction
Mammary duct ectasia
Missed menstrual period
Myoma (benign muscle tumor)
Ovarian abscess
Ovarian cyst
Pain during sex
Pelvic and perineal pain
Pelvic floor weakness
Period pain
Placenta previa
Pregnancy complications/problems
Pregnant woman seizures (eclampsia)
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Prolapse of uterus
Rectal prolapse
Recurrent miscarriage
Urinary tract infection (UTI)
Uterine bleeding
Uterine prolapse
Vaginal bleeding
Vaginal burning
Vaginal discharge
Vaginal itching
Vaginal thrush
Vomiting during pregnancy
Yeast infection
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My publications

Sarcoma uterino en el Hospital Calderón Guardia en el periodo de 1992 al 2009. Adriana Sánchez.
Acta Médica Costarricense, Diagnóstico Tardío de Displasia Evolutiva de Cadera en la población costarricense en el periodo de 1996 al 2000, Cecilia Monge Bonilla, Adriana Sánchez Ramírez, Pablo Serrano Aybar, Catalina Morales Alpizar, Roger Lopez Ruiz, 7-2002, volumen 44, 50-54.
Cerclaje cervical profiláctico con técnica de Shirodkar modificado en el tratamiento de la incompetencia cervical: Un análisis de las indicaciones y resultados de pacientes en el Hospital Calderón Guardia del período 1990 al 2005. Jorge Gregorio Barboza, Vladimir González y Adriana Sánchez.
Acta Médica Costarricense, Sarcoidosis, experiencia con 15 casos, Jose A. Mainieri, Cecilia Monge Bonilla, Adriana Sánchez, 4-2002, volumen: 44, 82- 86.
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Adriana Sánchez Ramírez

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