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Adrián Yong Rodríguez

Adrián Yong Rodríguez


My license

  • MED8190 · Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Allergology Consultation
Contact dermatitis tests
Cutaneous skin patch test
Cutaneous skin test for contact allergens
Drug allergy test
Oral or sublingual immunotherapy
Percutaneous test of allergens from environmental inhalants
Prick test
Respiratory allergy test
Skin tests for aeroallergens and foods
Subcutaneous allergy desensitization (shots)
Sublingual allergy desensitization (shots)
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189 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

I love medicine, I feel in love with pediatrics but I found my passion in Allergy and Immunology. Allergy is a common disease, but not always well managed. Many children with asthma and allergies have a poor quality of life because of the symptoms that they suffer. Offering these children and their families better care and relief, motivated me to study three more years abroad and complete my postgraduate degree in Allergy and Clinical Immunology.

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My studies

Alergia e Inmunología Clínica. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. February 2013 - February 2015
Specialty in Pediatrics. Universidad de Costa Rica. February 2009 - February 2015
Doctorate in Medicine and General Surgery. Escuela Aútonoma de Ciencias Médicas (Actual UCIMED).. August 2003 - July 2005
Medicine and Surgery Degree. Escuela Aútonoma de Ciencias Médicas (Actual UCIMED).. January 1999 - August 2003

My courses

Clinical Research Methodology - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. February 2015 - February 2015
Nasopharyngeal Endoscopy Workshop - Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. July 2014 - July 2014
XXI National Congress of the Mexican Academy in Pediatrics Specialists in Allergy and Clinical Immunology - Mazatlan, Mexico. June 2014
National Congress of Clinical Immunology and Allergy - Veracruz, Mexico. May 2014
XXVII National Congress of Clinical Investigation - Monterrey Nuevo León, México. October 2013
Course of good clinical practice in medical research - Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon. July 2013 - July 2013
Annual Scientific Meeting, XXVI Highlights in Allergy and Clinical Immunology - Monterrey Nuevo Leon. Mexico. July 2013
Advanced Pediatric Support - Centro Internacional de Entrenamiento en Emergencias. February 2012
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Allergy to insect stings
Chronic cough
Drug allergy
Food Allergies
Food allergy
Insect allergy
Skin allergy
Stuffy nose
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Alergologo Pediatra, Servicio de Alergología Hospital Nacional de Niños Dr Carlos Saenz Herrera
Profesor de Pregrado, Catedra de Pediatria, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Costa Rica

I am affiliated with:

American Academy of Pediatrics
Junior Member European Association of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology
American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI)

I speak these languages:


My awards

2003 Second National Award for Cardiology Research
2000 First place Research in Physiology, Department of Physiology - Universidad de Ciencias Médicas. San José, Costa Rica.

My publications

Castro-Bermudes A, Yong-Piñar B, Yong-Rodríguez A, Zuñiga-Vargas M, Efectividad de la valvuloplastía pulmonar percutánea en el tratamiento de la estenosis pulmonar valvular moderada y severa en el Hospital Nacional de Niños, a los diez años de practicar el procedimiento, Revista Costarricense de Cardiología, 2003;5;11-14
Palma-Gómez S, González-Díaz S, Arias-Cruz A, Macias-Weinmann A, Perez-Vanzzini R, Gutiérrez-Mujica J, Yong-Rodríguez A, Effects of reforestation on tree pollen sensitization in inhabitans of Nuevo León Mexico, Rev Alerg Mex 2014;61(3):162-167
Palma-Gómez S, González-Díaz S, Arias-Cruz A, Macias-Weinmann A, Perez-Vanzzini R, Gutiérrez-Mujica J, Yong-Rodríguez A, Adverse reactions to not iodinated contrast, Rev Alerg Mex 2014;61(4):368-71
Perez-Vanzzini R, González-Díaz S, Arias-Cruz A, Macias-Weinmann A, Palma-Gómez S, Gutiérrez-Mujica J, Yong-Rodríguez A Hipersensibilidad a la picadura de mosquito manifestada como síndrome de Skeeter, Rev Alerg Mex 2015;62:83-87
Yong-Rodríguez A, González-Díaz S, Macias-Weinmann A, Arias-Cruz A, Palma-Gómez S, Gutíerrez-Mujica J, Perez-Vanzzini R, Sensitization to Food and Spt Wheal Magnitud Among Children Attending to an Allergy Service in a Major Mexican City Near the United States, J Allergy Clin Immunol 2015;125(2):AB258
Yong-Rodríguez A, González-Díaz S, Arias-Cruz A, Macias-Weinmann A, Perez-Vanzzini R, Gómez-Palma S, Gutierrez-Mujica S, Sensitization in children with atopic dermatitis, Rev Alerg Mex 2015; in press
Yong-Rodríguez A, González-Díaz S, Arias-Cruz A, Macias-Weinmann A, Perez-Vanzzini R, Gómez-Palma S, Gutierrez-Mujica S, 1,25 Hydroxivitamin D3 leves and its relationship with asthma control in children, Rev Alerg Mex 2015, in press
Efectividad de la valvuloplastía pulmonar percutánea en el tratamiento de la estenosis pulmonar valvular moderada y severa en el Hospital Nacional de Niños, a los diez años de practicar el procedimiento, I Congreso Nacional de Cardiología y Premio Nacional de Investigación en Cardiología.
Prevalencia de alteraciones dentomaxilofaciales en niños con rinitis alérgica que acuden a la consulta del Centro Regional de Alergia e Inmunología Clínica del Hospital Universitario “Dr. José Eluterio Gonzáles”, XXVII Congreso Nacional de Investigación en Medicina, Ciudad de Monterrey, México 2013.
Human figure drawing test has a tool in the evaluation of stress in children with asthma, XXII World Congress of Asthma, Ciudad de Mexico 2014.
Alteración timpanométrica en pacientes de 12 a 20 años de edad con rinitis alérgica atendidos en un hospital universitario en la ciudad de Monterrey, LXVII Congreso Nacional de Inmunología Clínica y Alergia, Acapulco Guerrero, México 2013
Perfil de sensibilización en niños con dermatitis atópica atendidos en el servicio de alergia del Hospital Universitario de Monterrey, Congreso Nacional de Alergia e Inmunología Clínica Pediatrica, Mazatlan Sinaloa, México, junio 2014.
Sensibilización a alimentos y magnitud de la respuesta en la prueba cutánea en niños atendidos en el servicio de alergias del Hospital Universitario, Congreso Nacional de Alergia e Inmunologia Clínica Pediatrica, Mazatlan Sinaloa, México, junio 2014.
Sensibilización en adultos mayores con asma en el noroeste de México, 4to Congreso de Cuerpos Académicos de Ciencias de la Salud UANL, Monterrey México, Octubre 2014.
Sensitization to Food and Skin Prick Test Weal Magnitud Among Children Attending to an Allergy Service in a Major Mexican City near the United States, Congreso de la Asociación Americana de Alergia e Inmunología Clínica, Houston Texas, Febrero 2015.
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Adrián Yong Rodríguez

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