
My appointments

Clínica PerteneSer

Clínica PerteneSer

Book online or call us to make an appointment at +506 4040 0808.

Ulloa, Heredia, Heredia, Costa Rica

Address: Plaza Torres de Heredia, Segundo Piso. Frente a Zona Franca Metropolitana.


Choose a doctor

Schedule an appointment online with one of the doctors from Clínica PerteneSer.

Claudio Salas Mena


Olman Araya Ramos

Orthopedics and Traumatology

Ricardo Ramos Castro

Internal Medicine

Simón Benjamín Curling

Pediatric Urology, Urology

Zayra Alonso Ubieta

Pediatric Urology, Urology

Address on the map
